Developmental informatics hacker

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Probably installed it for free just so someone can get all that juicy data.

I like the Dutch consent form for body donation. You can just checkmark what you’re ok with and what not. I don’t know all the details but I expect that it’ll be used responsibly.

I think we can all agree that that’s an important topic. Why can’t we do that for other, often less important, things too?

Like sure, access my diary if your research is supported by a board but not for security purposes unless you have a warrant.

Bonus: cut it up and entrust it it to trusted people in envelopes. In case something happens they can combine their secrets to get access.

FYI data on USB sticks might not last as long as you might expect.

FYI data on USB sticks might not last as long as you might expect.

The time is nigh that I’ll get to see a relevant ad. Finally a system complicated enough to able to store that I’m into pc games.

This is such an apt way to put it. It makes it relatable for everyone, as I’m sure we’ve all experienced prejudice and the like.

Ugh and now it’s happening yet again with discord. Everybody seems to want me to be on discord. Just after I managed to get off everything. At least they seem kinda OK for now but we all know it’s just a matter of time until dr evil gets his hands on it.

I consider most of the stuff I post here to be personal.

That it might seem like something new that internet freedom is being curtailed, but in a more generic way freedom was taken away from people in many ways already today and before in the past. Likewise how freedom has been gained countless times before will also apply to the internet in some form today and in the future. It just appears novel but it’s your every day human power dynamics at work.

Ya I get you but I think in the end it’s nothing really new. It seems like everything is just another rehash of something we already had. E.g. instead of killer bots we brainwashed kids into killing on command. Same with freedom.

Crazy how politicized the internet is now. Not so long ago nobody gave a rat’s ass. I wonder how regulated it will become and if online freedom still exists in say 50 years.

At the end of the gray sentence it says it impacts how tailored the service is. It’s something that would be valuable to me in this case.

They should’ve shown a happy kitten instead.

Yes but the other two services are desirable, so I almost clicked accept all. Also the consent button feels like it has a more attractive text than the reject button.

I’d say only the ads are the issue, but the ‘more options’ button is kinda hidden. As if it’s trying to lull you into accepting all. Also good choice to put it in the middle.

In Germany you can get your home hidden on Google maps since the start. So it’s possible!

We’ve got laws for that, just takes a while for them to catch up to innovation.

Very useful if you have a legit warrant.

Afaik that’s impossible in our current system, because of big data inferences and lack of control over our meta data.

Literally all I had to do to make my phone have a usable performance again was to set the region to France, and the language to English. I should add that it was totally fine before an update.

Well perhaps a selection? You don’t need the data set for crotcheting or perl coding if that’s not up your alley.

I’ve always wondered why not just ban their key from the platform entirely? Or is it free to play?

To add to the rest: A manager also stores the history. And it has a pass generator. And lots of quality of life things.

Ehh just sit back and wait for the EU to lead in privacy once more.

Ya so a good reason to include it in the next wave of legislation, if it wasn’t already in one.

Honestly I thought it would send out a no tracking flag. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is or will be illegal to ignore that flag in some jurisdictions.

Also I’ve always felt that distribution is the problem, if you can call it that.

Well I’m a customer and I think it’s fine if the requests are legitimate. The question then of course is what is legitimate.

Huyyy I looks like you’re bitching about your family in your diary. Do you need help with that?

Well slightly different topic but I have to accept that damn Google ‘privacy’ thing to be able to develop for the vr headset that I paid for. We really need stronger laws to handle these practices.

Finally something new that is feature complete from the get go.

I see what you mean. I just wanted to raise some awareness, do you know of a more relevant sub?

The plot is about the monitoring of East Berlin residents by agents of the Stasi, East Germany's secret police.

So you can’t work for a Turkish company from China? Using a VPN is normal for work.

Gabe Newell > All those other people in the news that I can’t seem to get away from