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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I don’t think the concern over pinging is warranted.

ICMP is pretty raw Network traffic, meaning you’re not really causing much actual load here.

You can’t even really try to DDOS with normal ICMP packets. You usually have have to max it’s size out at 64KB with an ICMP floor to even think of having an effect. Vs the, effectively inconsequential, 32 bytes of a normal ICMP packet.

You watching a short YouTube video is equivalent Network load as 180 days of pinging for Network up time.

They keep giving us more reasons to sail the high seas.

Naw, they’ll find some way to “incentivize” (punish you for not) viewing ads and enforce it with eye tracking.

“unfortunately your In-Flight Engagement Actions ™️ did not meet the requirements to qualify you for in flight perks such as entertainment and meals”

“Please ensure you are looking directly at the screen while ads are playing to accumulate In-Flight Engagement Actions ™️”

Coming soon to an airline near you.