• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Aha, there we go. I was trying to put “end to end encrypted” and “Google” together and it just would not compute.

Edited to add: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/01/what-apples-promise-support-rcs-means-text-messaging

I did too, just within TMobile in the US, using the s*** word. Went through just fine.

Hmmm, yeah, see? This is why they shouldn’t be allowed to call the ads they have now, “personalized” when they’re really not.

Yeah. This. This is what will send me to live in a commune.

We noticed you may not be fully appreciating the information provided by our valued partners. We’re increasing the volume and raising your seat to help you experience them better – your friends at United

> The carrier on Friday said it launched a media platform to serve travelers personalized advertisements on seat-back screens and in its app, among other platforms, as it seeks to leverage customer data.

Thanks for these ideas.

Does anyone know if Lutris can be made to front end mame? The idea just popped in my head.

Best front-end for MAME on Ubuntu?
Hey y'all, I have a small collection of mostly 80s arcade game ROMs I like to play via MAME. They're games like Robotron and Joust, nothing advanced. This is just me playing on my PC with a keyboard and mouse. I currently play them via whatever the OOTB Mame GUI is called and it's ... [very basic](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.yurishwedoff.com%2Fwhere_are_ui_controls_stored_mame.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=518ba8ed3fc8693001314df87fd24119594337b285273234c1b2255528792a94&ipo=images). I'm not super familiar though with the latest options so what's a better way to play Arcade games via Mame from my Ubuntu PC? I've tried RetroArch and couldn't really understand it. I don't have the patience or time to set up a thousand little things and constantly tweak a lot of arcane settings, all of which require an internet search to get right. If the answer is that's still the best option, then I'll stick with what I have since it's simple and works OK today. But thanks for any ideas. (Edited for clarity)

Super helpful - thanks! I did not know about that Ctrl-Alt-F* thing so I will try that out ASAP. You also gave me the idea of running ‘top’ in a terminal before I start the game, so it will be there running when I exit too. Hopefully this will help get this resolved, so much appreciated.

I found this post on the cd project red site, but it’s not clear if the two people with the same problem ever found a resolution.


Resolved - Cyberpunk 2077 locks up my PC when closing
Hey y'all, I just got Cyberpunk for the first time and started playing it. The game plays fine -- no issues at all while in the game -- but whenever I close it out, then the game goes away, I can see my desktop again, but now no mouse clicks or keyboard typing does anything. I am effectively locked out of using my PC until I hold the power button for ten seconds to reboot. This has happened all 3 times I've played this game but never happens with any other game. I searched online and tried verifying my game files in Steam, but the problem still happens. My PC: Unbuntu 22.04 AMD Ryzen 5 16 GB RAM Nvidia RTX3060 - nvidia-driver-535 Steam with the native game, no mods, using these launch options: --intro-skip --launcher-skip -skipStartScreen Thanks for any ideas, let me know what else you might like to know. UPDATE: It seems to have helped to enable the Compatibility mode for the game with Proton 8.0-5. Now when I exit, the game shuts down normally. Once I realized I was running a Windows game without forcing compatibility mode, this seemed like the right thing to do. But I don't get how the game was playable at all without doing that. Most (all?) other games I've played on Ubuntu yet required me to enable the compatibility with Proton before they would even install. In any case, thanks all. I learned a few new tricks.

Well, good timing. I’ve just been researching alternatives and I’ve put together this table by reviewing these web sites.

Currency amounts are USD per month.

  • Disroot

    • donations
    • 1 GB mail, 2 GB files
    • Contacts, Files, NextCloud, etc…
  • Posteo

    • $1.07
    • 2 GB mail (Cheap to expand)
    • Contacts, Calendar
  • Mailbox

    • $3.00
    • 10 GB mail, 5 GB files
    • Contacts, Calendar, Video Conferencing
  • Tuta

    • $3.21
    • 20 GB mail - no files
    • Contacts, Calendar (weak)
  • Proton

    • $3.99
    • 15 GB mail and files
    • Contacts, Calendar, Files, VPN, Passwords
  • Fastmail

    • $4.16
    • 30 GB mail
    • Contacts, Calendar

Let me know if you think I got any of this wrong, eh.

Me too - but they’re raising their prices now. I paid 12 euros last year. Next year will cost me 38 (with a little more storage). Just saying…