
Me getting ideas from this thread

Signal to work for SMS again 🙄🙄🙄

I just want GoG but for movies

There are some apps on fdroid that aggregate shows and movies from several websites

Sorry I should have clarified.

I want to legally buy my movie paying it to the creators, and be able do do whatever I want with my copy with me knowing I bought it just for buying it and being allowed to Own it without it being a DVD, because I don’t want DVDs, because I live in 16m² and I move way to often, while keeping the concept of buying it

Software that burns down the server of any website that asks for data they don’t actually need.

Not sure if this already exists in some form, but I want something that always records where I’ve been. I am a very forgetful person and the Google maps timeline feature has been very helpful more than a handful of times. Unfortunately, it means that Google knows exactly where I’ve been also…

I just want to be able to check where I was the afternoon of a random Tuesday three years ago!

Assuming you can self host, check out OwnTracks (Android). It does that, and you control all the data.

I know it’s an unobtainable dream, but a banking app for every bank on any platform.

NFC payments app.

Open source cars…


Do services count? Because in that case, ride-hailing. A replacement for services like Uber and Lyft.

An open source and private chat app that everybody wants to use ?

I love it and have gotten everyone to want to use it?

Lucky you

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