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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Aug 20, 2023


I’m by no means an expert, but how is it the phone can still make emergency calls if it has zero contact with the network if it’s simless? Seems like a solution that isn’t actually one, especially if you consider stuff like IMIE numbers.

And I’m sure if I could be bothered to look into this solution I would be right.

Plus most tracking and privacy violations work just as well if not better via WiFi.

Sure they should be allowing it, but anyone who cares about digital privacy and freedom that’s still using apple devices kinda deserves what they get at this point.

I used brave for a while, but left as I felt there was something fishy about them. Seems I was right

Throw your phone out. Get a small librebooted laptop and use an android emulator for any apps.

I know it’s an unobtainable dream, but a banking app for every bank on any platform.

Tried sending the video and got the same result (have WhatsApp for work) very interesting and exactly why I’m trying to get my friends on Matrix

I actually just did and I’m impressed that after several pages of search results I couldn’t fine anything. That means I’m doing a good job, because besides a Facebook account and an Instagram account I purely use to reach some friends I have no social media.

And you don’t think they wouldn’t use psychological torture like whiteroom torture, sleep deprivation, and many other types of non physical torture that you can look up (if you can stomach what some people put others through) on him. I honesty really hope they aren’t torturing the guy, but that doesn’t stop me from suspecting they probably are after how much trouble he caused them.

Dude if he was getting tortured to death do you really think the government funded BBC would tell us about it🤣🤣🤣.

Everyone treats Edward Snowden like the hero he is only because he didn’t get caught and he left in time to not have a fake sexual misconduct charge slapped on him to sway public opinion.

This man leaked a bunch of the US intelligence agencies tools and techniques for spying on people, including spyware that hides in the firmware of an Apple thunderbolt Ethernet adapter.

Obviously the government hates this man and has done everything in their power to bring him down.

Seriously read into the CIA’s or NSA’s misconduct in the past( like giving anything that breathed LSD in the name of science, including people with mental illnesses and prisoners of war) and tell me these guys wouldn’t lie to the public because they don’t want all their dirt leaked. And after catching the person do something horrible to him for revenge and not tell anyone.

But at the same time I wouldn’t consider a random YouTube channel asking for money a credible source any more then I would consider government funded propaganda a credible source outside of sports news.

Seriously he’s right, the only stories you ever hear about this are from big repair places.

I know! The alpha is more complete then most companies full releases!

You’ll probably want to report that to the devs. It is in alpha so there is a lot to add, fix, and tweak.

All you can hope is that some day they are forced to support 3rd party apps because of some anti monopoly lawsuit telling them they have too.

But good luck with that, Apple is very powerful and can probably just buy out the right lawyers and judges in that situation.

Or if they were forced to it would have an Apple twist on it like they get to approve the 3rd party app stores that are allowed or something.

Just get an Android phone you can put a custom ROM on and you’ll have a very good experience.

A desktop app would be nice, but I wouldn’t count on an IOS app, because I’m pretty sure this violates app store policies.

But it is an alpha so there’s still the chance they could make a desktop app later.

The app supports plugins for other platforms with development docs coming that I don’t think are out yet. So if they don’t add it someone else certainly can

What search engine do you use or if Searxng what engines do you pull from?

Honesty I’ve kinda given up trying to show normies that privacy is important. And have started to focus on making my own digital life as private as I can. Some will wake up and come ask you, and then you can share what you know with them and help them switch to privacy respecting tech and practises.

For example I recently converted a friend to Linux and they even bought a System76 laptop and has been very happy with it( I’m an old Thinkpad lover).

Or they will simply suffer the eventually inevitable consequences due to how little people care, and how much big companies and governments are willing to take advantage of that.

It’s not that I don’t think it’s a worthy fight and won’t continue to at least get called crazy for mentioning that it matters. But don’t be surprised how little most people care.

I’m planing on self hosting a Searx instance. But right now I’m very happy with DuckDuckGo. I find I get less biased results and a lot of the time I prefer it’s results to google. And for the odd time I want an image and DDG isn’t giving me what I want I use bing, which is probably the best search engine for images from my experience.

I mean if you’re that concerned get a thinkpad X200, libre boot it, and run qubes OS

It is very wise to use a FOSS keyboard app, because if you think about it a keyboard app would probably be the thing on your phone that knows the most about you. I don’t mean that to fear monger, it’s just a thought. Plus if you look at events in the past few years like swiftkey’s little user data error it gives you an idea of how privacy invasive they could or could already be.