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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Seems legit. Going towards a better business model. Don’t know if anything stops them going from non-profit to profit as OpenAI did buy at least their movinf the other way now with intent towards the opposite.

I’ll keep using their service at least.

I mostly like your username!

I’ll check out Cromite. 👍

Thank you for this. It convinced me to re-evalute my choice of Brave again.

Can someone link me the Brave privacy violation? I’m a current Brave browser and search user and prefer to stay informed.

I use Ackee, it’s awesome!


“Self-hosted, Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy. Ackee runs on your own server, analyzes the traffic of your websites and provides useful statistics in a minimal interface.”


I’m switching everthing over to federated, self-hosted, decentralized, open source…

It’s a brave new old school world!

Yeah my most downvoted comments mention Blockchain 🤣 Capitalism turns everything to shit 💩

I’m not sure that’s the case. Just take some time to write a simple email:


It seems you’ve uploaded some photos of me on Instagram. Please remove them.

Best OP *

Doesn’t have to be dramatic.

I like how everyone is just going fucking nuts in this thread; combing over the code, contacting the maintainer, running a Wireshark trace on it. Good work everyone!