• 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


You are right, It creates a token, I didn’t notice because it deletes it from the URL so fast Thanks!

Login to telegram by link without cookies?
By clicking on a chat link inside Telegram app it redirects me to my default browser (everything fine here). The thing is when the browser opens it logins to my telegram account automatically, why is this happening? I have TFA and it doesn't ask me for that, there are no devices connected but when opening the browser it logins automatically, even in incognito with no cookies. Does someone know what is happening?

Caprover seems the most similar to cloudron, it looks great thanks!

Firefox updated today and I'm wondering why they don't put Brave in this table, what's your opinion on this? 🤔

Interesting, maybe it’s because of the phone. I’m using pixel 6a with GrapheneOS

Is it possible to pay with NFC? I read the docs but haven’t found anything

Is it possible to self-host Clarity?
I found out about [Clarity](https://clarity.microsoft.com/), it's a Microsoft free product. It seems to be source available on [Github](https://github.com/microsoft/clarity) Does anyone know a way to self-host it without making requests to Microsoft? Or maybe an alternative with heatmaps without counting on matomo?

Open source keyboard for iOS?
Does an open source keyboard exist for iOS that respect your privacy? Does apple get what you type on the keyboard in their servers?

Freelance Marketplace alternatives with no KYC?
I'm trying to hire a freelancer for a project. I've signed up in fiverr, freelancer and upwork. They all ask for my ID and I just don't want to share it, what is the necessity for that? Really, I want to understand why they ask for this type of documentation, please let me know if you know the reason. Anyways, I wanted to know if you knew any alternative that doesn't require KYC Thanks in advance!

Thank you for your ideas, I really appreciate it and I’ll have those in mind

Sure, thank you, I’ll let you know when there is one 😁

Thank you for the post, I’ll study what conclusion I can get from there

Actually it would be a personal gallery, something like google photos. But you’d be able to share albums and photos to family or friends

I’ll test which one is better for UX and decide then

Yes, I’m still thinking if expanding a project or start a new one. But expanding a project is interesting

Post-Quantum Resistant Google Photos alternative project
I'm a developer and I've created websites and mobile/desktop apps for business and self-employees. I'm a person who always liked privacy and I'm planning to create a Google photos open source alternative. Alternatives already exist but what makes this project different is that it's going to be **quantum resistant**. This is my plan: - Photos backups, sharing, see photos locations in Open Street Map. - Use recommended post quantum algorithms by The National Institute of Standards and Technology. - Take an hybrid approach, this is quantum and already known encryption. - Create the app with Material 3 design. I'm just creating this post just to see if there would be people interested in this project and to ask if you could share your opinion. - Do you think there would be a market for this? - Would you be interested in being an early adopter and test it out? Please share suggestions and opinions! 😁