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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


I mean, if you think everything is political, why are you on Non-politcal memes?

This community is not for you. Just block it.

Pretty sure both men and women like boobs. Cause they are awesome. It has nothing to do with social reproduction.

Multi-Account Containers to separate your tabs. Then wipe all cookies on closing.

I mean, at least it allows for more than just Chrome. You can do worse.

Consent-o-matic automates that for you

If you have to ask, you do not respect my privacy

Incel paradise since all the decent people left

Software that burns down the server of any website that asks for data they don’t actually need.

I have the opposite problem.

It is always unlocalized, and even if I set it to Belgium, it still is giving me French and German Sites.

Or if you want to be really fancy, you can just pick one of the Fantasy name generators: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/

Draknolf Frozen-Fur, a Nord from Skyrim has a nice ring to it.

Any money spend on marketing is not used to improve the product.

Yeah, Facebook can not know when your adblocker is blocking those posts, unless they did it themselves.

This worked: Fluff Busting Purity

Although not certain how safe it actually is. Seems like the extension exists since 2009 and is still regularly updated. But it can not be found on Firefox native Addon database.

I’d rather have some false positives than a single unblocked ad.

Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you are still being tracked through Ghost Profiles.

So no, you can not “just not use Meta”.

They are so ingrained in the internet, that you can not get away, no matter hard you try.

How many of those are connecting it to their PC in order for Steam to survey them?

If only my family actually listened to experts. Both me and my sister are in IT, and we use Signal to send to each other. But none of the rest even care to switch.

Linux is not an option in the real corporate world.

Doesn’t have the features necessary to run big businesses.

Nor does Linux have compatible software for the millions of different factory machines.

The only way those large corporations can use that ability, is when your employer pays for it.

Otherwise it wouldn’t happen.

Since if it did happen, they would get sued by every company that uses their software.

Most just monitor your browsing through the Antivirus.

Since they don’t want you visiting porn or malware websites on the corporate network, for good reasons.

They can monitor anything they want.

They could even force you to connect to a mainframe instead of your own computer in order to work, and only allow you to click on 3 allowed buttons if they wanted to.

It is their hardware, they can do what they want.

Can’t they just put a metal box with a guard around the entire internet?

It is just a black box with a blinking light anyway.

Although the guard might get tired from climbing the stairs of the Elizabeth tower every day.