• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


There are many tools for Linux that do a lot of different stuff

I remember there were some that allowed running games straight without steam and maybe even creating shortcuts, but any of those is a headache to setup, I mean, to run a game without steam you need to do 15 manual steps, to create a shortcut 30 manual steps

Edit: maybe something has changed, I don’t use steam a lot, and I used those tools some years ago

P.s. the coolest tool for me is the app for extracting tye session with all those steam guard and etc

This is way not cheap 😅😅😅😅

One of the main issues of jmp chat is the price

There are some VoIP services that are $20 a year, and I wanted to compare if there’s anything interesting and cheap

I have an interesting solution- LoRa

You will need some extra hardware, but it will be possible to messsage and share GPS if the board supports it, or even walkie talkie style voice messages on some firmwares

Simplex has its issues, fixes are on their way

I’m actually surprised to see that the battery and contact change are their biggest issues, for it would be many more other things

Pin is the suggested option, so I really doubt “most” of the people choose password


Also, most of the points of the message you replied to are abstract and don’t need any citation. Like do you want source for signal being centralized or for signal having ability to track you?

I love you for being so human

Just a random person on the internet asked you to explain something, and you did, you’re so cool

Thank you for the explanation, I will really remember and keep it for my whole life


(No sarcasm, really, people these days are so mean and tell you to look everything up yourself, or just get angry because you ask or don’t know. Even though you could just copy and paste, this is a human interaction. Really happy to see somebody’s still alive)

Next step is to make it public to help other people and blend your data/traffic

I have some more questions, teacher

If I lived in a country for some years/time, how do I say that?

Also, if I worked as somebody?

And in general, difference between have been and had been?

Thank you

Secure and private by design is the solution

Nobody can compromise you if they can’t

Me, my friends, and family are using it

Aaand… Everyone is hating it, tbh 🤣

The notifications are unreliable and at the same time it drains 20% of the battery

Waiting for fixes, also want to setup my own relay

Nowhere explicitly at least

I don’t consume much content, and when I see or hear an ad I get very frustrated and angry

Yeah, this is a pain for me too actually

There’s the no-js version, but it doesn’t seem to be automatic, and also there’s a tor only version

You can add the one from the post, and it works really well, at least for me

Note: you add the link as a search engine, and it will give you a random instance every time

Tired of lame search engines? And don’t have friends to share your instance?
My searx instance is down for a while, and I was forced to use and try all the search engines, all of them are really bad You can set this as your default search engine and every use it will redirect you to a random searx instance

It was at some point at least 🫠

I’m still on the no poop challenge

I’m retarded, I won’t ever use cash

Damn, edit, edit, I wanted to say banks 😆

Cash is op

How do I buy crypto? I know a lot of freelancers/digital nomads that get their salary in crypto, and I exchange it for them

I see too much useless reddit lately, please stop

But if they don’t know my name or anything at all? 🤭

Mostly correct, but at the same time Techlore in their “Graphene toxic community” videos explicitly multiple times said that it’s better to avoid projects that have bad/toxic communities or devs

The past part sounds like a joke, love all the sources, but they all have a beef with GOS 😆

So bringing up GOS in those communities can spark some controversial discussions

In the meanwhile in GOS community it’s strictly prohibited to mention those projects, and every time any of the projects says “Graphene” GOS asks them to not to 😅

Why not just mullvad?

Their privacy approach is top notch

You can also look at supported calyxos/divestos phones

Keep in mind that divestos doesn’t support any gapps

My personal choice would be just Graphene, without any gapps

I was wondering about this for a while, is there an option to have a dna test like anonymously?

There’s a special status for some people in Russia, it’s called Foreign Agent, and I believe they need to write down everything they spend money on this way

Think, who are you, and who am i?

I mean, how would you do it, and just why?

This is a very very very improbable scenario, too complicated, and too unlikely

There could be a thread model that would work with this feature well, but I don’t think any of us even theoretically is one of those people that would benefit from it

Define your thread model, and work from it

Most of the people have two main threads: hackers, and thieves, not hacker-thieves

It really depends on your thread model

In my opinion the fingerprint won’t do any difference anyway

Who are we protecting against?

Hackers? They can’t press the button

Thieves? They don’t have your pin

Someone close who knows your pin? Maybe, but this is really an overkill

Evil maid? If somebody can pull up evil maid attack, they can hack the fingerprint anyway

Governments? They hack or force you to unlock it anyway

Summary: my opinion is that fingerprint is an overkill which doesn’t protect from any real thread, but costs more and lacks some functions

I think people should create new and stronger communities to fight stuff like that

Topics, groups, etc, where people discuss and organize system fighting

It was a many months transition, and it's finally done Fun thing, you can actually make a backup of all* your messages, groups, contacts, etc. So before leaving you can have all of your data in case you need that one contact or something The final red flag was as that allegedly Russian authorities were messing with people's deleted messages. Not for the first time there are news that they could read, modify, delete, see location, and etc. Screw it, this is unsafe, I'm out. Also, these days telegram is really at the state of a pile of garbage, bloated, buggy, and shady messenger.

European countries from privacy and freedom perspective
Hey-ho, privacy enthusiasts I'm currently traveling around the world, and thinking about staying in Europe for 5ish years But i'm a tinfoil guy and aware of the "many eyed beast" So, what do you think? All lies and everything is actually dystopian, or everything should be fine? I'm actually thinking about 4 countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece (because don't like cold, and actually a little bit sick of other countries in the EU😅😅😅)