Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023

For anyone that missed the initial news back in March -> https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/03/playtron-wants-to-go-way-wider-than-steam-with-a-gaming-os-for-core-casuals/ So, to everyone that was already kinda skeptical back then, congratulations, you were right.

It’s probably because WoW isn’t as competitive as LoL or Valorant, so Riot’s games need to be more aggressive in figuring whether someone is cheating or not. A more apt comparison would be with Valve’s Dota2 and Counter Strike

In Brazil, the govt owned lottery site, created around 2015, only accepts passwords with 6 numeric digits. Your password has to be a number between 000000 and 999999. Only somewhat recently (6 months ago or so) they’ve added a 2FA through an email link.

Oh, said lottery is run by the biggest govt owned bank. Chances of people reusing their bank password there are very fucking high.

Huh, I didn’t know preparing surprises (parties, gifts, trips) was a crime. Today I Learned /s

Privacy as a human right is, indeed, new. The concept and the desire for it is old. Doing things and not wanting to get caught is as old as walking forward. What, you think the idea of cheating a romantic partner is new? That every military in history and prehistory exchanged letters with one another, saying what they were doing? That every important and “important” person always exposed everything they did and thought to everyone?

Also, keep in mind there’s a significant number of serious journalists that need privacy in order to do their job of exposing crimes. I can already see you replying “They wouldn’t need to do that if everything was public”. True, but that would also mean that tyrants and wannabe tyrants would have incredible ease in killing everyone they disliked.

There are people who actually believe that kind of dystopic bullshit, even in the tech sector. I remember a colleague a few years ago, told me he liked targeted ads because “it knew what I wanted”

I guess someone should’ve presented the following situations to the court: some CEO of a small-medium company driving his Toyota sends a very important message regarding work. Toyota also gets to read it and is immediately aware of how that’ll affect stock price. Time to gamble on the market, baby!

Situation 2: some researcher driving his Honda sends several files regarding a secret new product to his boss. Honda also gets to access the files and the content of the message. “Oh look, Honda released my product before me!”

Situation 3: After using the snooped information for self profit, the automaker sells it to 3rd parties for further profit.