More often than not, the best way to hide is to simply blend in with the crowds – this also encompasses one’s choice for a username. It is relatively simple to make a single throwaway account – just come up with a username, and off you go – however, if one makes throwaway accounts often, the task of thinking of a unique, and non-identifiable username can become a challenge. I would argue that poeple would often resort to using a pattern employing small changes for all subsequent usernames. Such patterns can be identified to a specific user if all users have their own unique patterns.

How can one reliably generate many unique-but-normal, and non-pattern-identifiable usernames?


I usually just use a fake name generator to create a name and use it as a username this takes care of my inability to think of random usernames, birth date and other stuff that most websites these days ask. And it also makes me look like another dumb idiot and not a l33t haxor.

I don’t create anon accounts nearly as much as you say you do, but when I do I a correct-horse generator, and just pick the first two words and mash them together. It has never produced a conflict yet.

keepass2android’s password generator can generate these on mobile, and there are several for the command line.

I, too, was immediately going to recommend correct horse. It is random and it works.


Go to reddit, pick a username from the front page, use that. Any searching into your use of it will lead to that front page post and its reposts on click mills.

Random nicknames are not recommended, they are unique identifiers, it is better to use nicknames of famous people or movies, video games, etc., because it makes it difficult to find them on the web, especially if different ones are used on each site.

this is a really good idea

deleted by creator

Or if you want to be really fancy, you can just pick one of the Fantasy name generators:

Draknolf Frozen-Fur, a Nord from Skyrim has a nice ring to it.


Well I love your name 😍 one of the best characters

I let Bitwarden generate my usernames for throwaway accounts. I don’t care if my username can be identified as Bitwarden-generated.

I use SimpleLogin for email alias, and username usually has to be associated with email address. So I just use whatever SimpleLogin generates for me

Try random real words until you hit one that’s free! Those are the most satisfying usernames anyway imo haha

refuses to elaborate

Good usernames are Google, Yahoo or Barrelroll, this is fun when someone searches for you by nickname

Don’t complicate simple, there’s millions of people making random shit usernames, the only ones that are going to wind up with a pattern are the people (trying) not too. Smack a bunch of buttons on your keyboard and call it a username. Done!

Or if you want to make more work, every password manager at this point will generate random usernames.

Or for even more work, use a password manager to generate a super secure password, and use that password as your username

I sometimes use MAC addresses as usernames.

Skull giver

deleted by creator

And your username has enlightened me that the fediverse lets us have spaces in our usernames (?)

Skull giver

[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]


Boost doesn’t seem to support display names other than on the profile page. It does, however, tell me that your account was created 6th of june 1923 :p

I like the ambiguity.

deleted by creator

Pick a random book from your shelf.

  • Open at a random page. Take the first word on the left page.
  • Open at another random page. Take the first word on the left page

Repeat for as many words you like. Discard words you don’t like. Slam the words you like together.


  • thickestneedhelped
  • ritestayoutdoors
  • passedthejust

I see a pattern here…

$ pwgen 8 100

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