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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Yeah it is… Good for OP he has a life. Sadly I don’t.

You should use spottube it doesn’t require an account. Right now even if you switch VPN Spotify will know it is still you since you logged in.

I usually just use a fake name generator to create a name and use it as a username this takes care of my inability to think of random usernames, birth date and other stuff that most websites these days ask. And it also makes me look like another dumb idiot and not a l33t haxor.

Using signal for SMS was never a good idea. It may give users a false sense of security. And as far as I remember signal dropped SMS before google rolled out RCS. If apple agrees to implement RCS then I could see Signal adding this feature back.

Tails OS is only useful if all you want to do is buy few drugs or blowvwhistles on government or any other one off thing. But for daily driving tails OS is terrible.

The main selling point of tails is that it is amnesiac but I’m pretty sure most people will want to save some data on there device.

even though I’ve set priorities .onion but in reality most website I need are on clearnet with no onion mirror. I know this can open to network analysis attacks but I’m OK with it most of the time. (LEA Already knows I visit 7000 times a day). But back to the point all these clearnet site share data With each other and this could lead to cross contamination and sites able to build a proper profiles on you. Tails can’t do much here but with Qubes you can compartmentalize.

If you want to login to your bank account or some other site where you don’t want yo use Tor but still not share anything more than you want to Tails has no solution you will be forced to use a different less secure and private OS but again with Qubes you can create separate VM that will only connect to your bank directly.

I agree with most of what you said. But I won’t consider Mac a secure os. Yes it may be more secure than a vanilla Linux distro but with few minutes you can make a vanilla Linux and Mac os equally secure.

But then the problem is if someone is able to gain access maybe chaining 2-3 Zero days. They will get access to everything. But in qubes with hardened templates they will have access to single qube. And if you were being care full only a disposable qube.

The power of Qubes is in its ability to compartmentalize everything. You still need to harden all templates use minimal template for vault VM. I’ve more than 30 separate appVM. And still use disp VM with most of the time.