an old dude

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I’m not talking about the article, it’s about saying no. If I need to read the article that says yes when your link says no… I’m just sick of the onslaught of defetism online where a whole bunch of people have the idea they can just ignore reality and it’s all gona fix itself. But who cares right, will all be dead because of the climate wars so it’s all cool

You can vote as left as you can and still do whatever you are saying to do. Having ultraright nazi shits in power because you’re an internet idiot will not help you - in fact it will completely rob you of the chance to ever change anything. You dumb fucks will solve the world by not fucking voting, even if the game is rigged you don’t have to be the dumbest shit about it

I dont want to, I just said it looks interesting if you use that addon.

Well I love your name 😍 one of the best characters

Exactly my point. It’s a small computer you carry around and you sideload. I never sideloaded anything in my life, I just install things.

The whole vibe of ‘forever home’ and stuff like that, inventing a whole bullshit name for something that was completely normal one day ago - like installing software on your own devices.

The worst thing in all of this is that we have terms like ‘sideloading’. The most american way of saying installation of what you want is not allowed. I sideloaded some shelves in my house without asking apple

I wanted to try this but saw crypto crap. Nope, can’t trust them