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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023

Two questions. My family insist on using Whatsapp for the family chats. I have to keep a copy on a device just so I can communicate with them. I do so under protest, as I was always told it isn't secure. My brother has just said "oh Whatsapp is encrypted, it's perfectly secure". First, is it actually as encrypted and safe as my brother claims? That would solve everything. Second, if it _isn't_, where can I get some proof that we should switch to Telegram or whatever? Proof which doesn't make me look like a raving loony?

I, too, was immediately going to recommend correct horse. It is random and it works.

Air gap.

Otherwise, no, it is never secure.

Yep. I never got into the facebook thing (tried and failed to enjoy it enough to continue) and people get really sodding rude about the choice. Even suggesting using eMail or Telegram for communication leads to mild abuse at best. It is possible to live without Facebook, it just isn’t very easy, and people see it as a licence to be rude. Seeing as inside facebook they are rude also, I don’t feel I’m missing much, and it has led to a better life for me long term.

I’m confused about that too. Apparently it is in the contract that you aren’t allowed to take your device you legally purchased with you where you want, or to sell it after buying it? Or are they only allowed to sell their phone to people in the same country as themselves? Or something?

I prefer [insertconpanynamehere] but in this case name and shame almost seems more appropriate.


I have no facebook account, but family members who insist on Whatsapp instead of something more secure. I use it to contact them. How is it associated with a facebook id? Did they generate one? Or am I piggybacked on them?

I’m finding it hard to see Brave as major.

That one looks dangerously, breakably thin. I am a clumsy human, and certain I would break it.

That looks exactly like what I have been wishing for fir a while now. Interesting!

My friends are already on telegram, I don’t have to force change. I can make any chat more secure from the start. I am not using massive government level secrets anyhow. I mean, security is nice, but my cat photos, bad code, homegrown mint tea, and plans for the beach this coming summer are hardly a top secret problem anyway, I’m not planning a murder, I just don’t want meta or facebook using them for advertising. Telegram is good enough.

It has nothing to do with other students though. The school itself is the one with the policy due to the laws surrounding the issue. The students are a whole different situation.

It is a perfectly notmal request. Schools get these requests all the time.

I had never heard of any of these things, and am amused by them being real. They sound like parodies of parodies.

And yet, you would think I would have seen or heard someone complain about theft before now. Everyone has one. This international location is the only place. Thus my assumption that it is some remote country. Doesn’t happen here in Australia.

Never seen or heard of it happening since screen locks became common.

…What awful country is this, that your phone gets stolen?

It’s a few months yet till summer, although it will be a hot one by all indications, it’s warm enough now.