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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 23, 2023


Nah, that was public opinion on /r/datahoarders (I think) back when I still used reddit.

People complain that they won’t respect their lifetime plans forever, but otherwise I haven’t heard anything bad about them.

I was one of their strongest advocates, but their progress is unbearably slow. SimpleX for example has advanced a lot more in the same timeframe.
To me it seems like at the current pace they will need another two to three years to solve their problems.

Tox has pretty much been dead from the beginning. There never was a significant user base.

Krush Kill 'n Destroy developers joined the group.

And a person claimed in a later post that “around 300” of their old pictures, some of which were “revealing,” appeared on an iPad they’d wiped per Apple’s guidelines and sold to a friend.

How would that even work? Wiping a device resets the encryption keys, doesn’t it?

but Bitcoin does nothing to prevent custodial exchanges, in the way something like Monero does

In what way does Monero prevent that?

How does it compare to Jitsi?

We’re just vocal because we’ve been suffering over the enshittification of Google search for so long.

Am I the only one thinking Lori comes across as a bit of a dick here?

Okay, but are they still releasing updates via other channels? The newest version on their website is 3.5.4, the same that I got through the play store.

You can not enable the “feature” to keep search history. The slider stays disabled when you try.

That is not what Ethnicity is.

That’s not so much a filter bubble as it is noise reduction. No, I don’t want to have Pinterest results in my search engine. No, I don’t have an Instagram or Twitter account and therefore can’t see the content there anyway. I am developer, so I want to raise the relevance of GitHub in my results.

Yeah, it’s sad to see it in Zoom’s hands, but it is still open source and receiving updates.

I’ve made some screenshots instead of a video. I hope you still get what the issue is.

At the end there is no usuable call from the RocketChat client. But I can copy the meet.jit.si URL and open it in a browser.

Originally I had an error message telling me that Windows doesn’t know what to do with jitsi-meet:// links, but that doesn’t show up anymore for some reason. Maybe because of me messing with the registry to solve the issue, but I’ve actually removed the registry key I had created before.

What do you mean by “independent clients” - multi device login?

Yeah. Right now you have to have Signal running and connected on a phone. If the phone is off or not connected to the internet, you can’t use the Desktop client.

There isn’t really a premise per se as we are a decentralized team, but the details don’t really matter.

I wrote this integration

Oh, nice! I can make a video later on how it looks on my machine. I even tried fiddling with the registry to force them to be opened with RocketChat, but that didn’t work either.

Things I will take a look at:

Things I will not take a look at:

Feel free to add more suggestions.

Voice is a requirement as well.
EDIT: But I could get by by hosting Jitsi for that.

The server is not hosted on premise and the team will exchange communication that requires to remain private. That’s why I really need E2EE for everything (and why RocketChat is not an option as E2EE is not fully implemented).

First of all Jitsi isn’t part of the rocketchat-server package, so you need to set it up yourself or use a hoster, which both require separate accounts from the RocketChat ones.

The specific issue I had on Windows was that RocketChat wasn’t registered to handle jitsi-meet:// links, it would just open a blank “open with” Windows dialog everytime. In general the “integration” seems lacking, the whole UX is really bad compared to Matrix/Element where voice calls just work.

I would expect search to be added

That’s what I expected fo regular Element for Android as well, but it never came into existence.

Element X

I fail to find a feature comparison between the two. Does it have feature parity with Element yet? If not, what’s missing?


Firefox is my main browser and has been for the last 15 years or so. It definitely was Firefox, but maybe I’m confusing it with a different issue. There definitely was some feature in Element Web that didn’t work and told me to use Desktop instead, unless I’m imagining things now.


Interesting, I’ll take a look.
EDIT: Nheko is NOT a mobile client. I’ve misinterpreted your statement.


That unfortunately doesn’t specify the extend of the E2EE support (like search), but I appreciate your effort.

I don’t think SimpleX is the right tool for collaboration efforts. I could be wrong though. The last time I tried it was two years or so ago.

Not really what I am looking for. Neither is it self-hostable, nor do you have access to independent clients. Plus the requirement for phone numbers makes it undesirable.
Also, I’m not really looking for a simple messenger and more for something that is useful in organizing a team.

What Matrix/Discord/Teams alternatives are there that FULLY support E2EE across Desktop and Mobile?
Crosspost: https://feddit.de/post/8502102 > Element for Android doesn't support searching in encrypted channels and I think you can't use E2EE in the browser at all(?), plus basically every other client has even more drawbacks when it comes to E2EE. > > My team recently tried RocketChat, but E2EE is obviously an afterthought for that project as it has even more limitations than non-Element Matrix clients (no searching, no pinning, no file upload, no edit, etc.). Plus Jitsi integration seems to be buggy right now (at least on my Windows installation). > > What else is out there that's not on my radar? Is Matrix with Element really the best option right now? Is there no project that puts E2EE above all else? > > Edit: Should be self-hostable and (FL)OSS.