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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Malicious compliance. Have Apple and Google remove all apps that feature encryption — web browsers, banking apps, messaging apps — from their stores for 24 hours. Demonstrate that this isn’t really a good idea.

Is this process different than any other commercial operating system, whether on phone, tablet, or PC?

Evolution looks and behaves a lot like outlook. works well for me

Isn’t that the whole point of these antitrust cases?

Company makes a product that no one else makes. People like it and buy it. Product becomes popular. Company makes money. (That’s the reason for being in business, isn’t it?). Suddenly someone notices that the product, which no one else makes, has earned a whole lot of money for the company.

ThAt’s nOt fAiR, tHeY’Re tOo pOpUlAr, No oNe eLsE CaN CoMpEtE, wE NeEd tO BrEaK Up tHe cOmPaNy sO We cAn gRaB A SlIcE Of tHeIr pIe!

I wore a proper N95 mask the whole time. Told people I have cancer and am immune compromised so I can’t take it off (ok that bit’s true). Never had any problem avoiding facial recognition; but it’s possible that their particular facial recognition works around masks.

Depends what you’re trying to do and what created the pdf. pdftools are good, but they’re command line tools which might not be your scene (dnf/apt/zypper search pdf). Inkscape, Libreoffice are usually a good gui compromise.

many have tried to cover a small hole on the machine that they believe houses a camera

Looks like a student might have used a pocket knife or similar implement to dig at the hole and enlarge it, to try to see if there was a camera.

Tell them you’re homeless. Put your address as “No fixed address” and use Post Restante — also known as General Delivery.

If they make a fuss and demand a home address, reiterate that you’re homeless and demand that they provide you with a home. Worked for me (when I actually was homeless) for a few years.

[Screenshot of web page]

[Header with CNN logo]

[Text of page follows]

Browser Blocked

We apologize, but your web browser is configured in such a way that it is preventing this site from implementing required components that protect your privacy and allow you to view and change your privacy settings. This functionality is required for privacy legislation in your region.

We recommend you use a different browser or disable the “EasyList Cookie” filter from your “Content Filtering” settings (found under “Settings” -> “Shields” in the Brave Browser).

[End of text]

Pick a random book from your shelf.

  • Open at a random page. Take the first word on the left page.
  • Open at another random page. Take the first word on the left page

Repeat for as many words you like. Discard words you don’t like. Slam the words you like together.


  • thickestneedhelped
  • ritestayoutdoors
  • passedthejust

Why are Ofcom and UK Parliament still using https:// ? They should set an example, and stop using illegal end to end encryption!

If they actually ban E2EE, I’d like to see all banks, for a start, and most web sites, downgrade https to http. See how long the ban will last then.

“I was just following the law!”

Could also be Bluetooth or wifi recognition of your phone, I know of several supermarkets that combine this data with rewards cards to recognise you and track you.