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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Nov 06, 2023


you already installed the apps. they’ve already scarfed a bunch of data likely. bad choice.

anyway just make sure you dedicate a VPN connection to them and block local network traffic in your vpn app (i know mullvad has this feature).

mullvad browser which is a TOR browser fork, seems to defeat fingerprint.com per-session.

brave strict fingerprint protection on its own actually does not even do this afaik

If it wasn’t for all the survivalists and conspiracy theorists and paranoid software devs and whistleblowers and tech journos and anti-authoritarian content creators and anti-surveillance artists and even ordinary joes like me who just want to use online services withouth the digital equivalent of the weird kid in class who stood over your shoulder and watched everything you did (x1000), things could and would be much worse.

this. this is the privacy truth of the year right here. shout out to all the insane people. we dont deserve them.

this is really cool, thanks for the info. federated or decentralized git is long overdue

educating is hardly an option anymore. the only way to get people to do anything is to brainwash them

App Sandboxes in Graphene? can someone tell me about this? is this a new feature?

i wish people would stop viewing this guy as someone who is a guru extreme online privacy.

Bazzell is good at one thing primarily, and that is Real Life privacy/hiding, when one’s adversaries on nongovernmental. that is his specialty and what he should be respected for.

Bazzell is not a huge expert in thwarting mass surveillance or thwarting nation-state adversaries in technology. otherwise he wouldnt be giving recommendations that involve closed sourced software or cloudflare lol.

He is a practical guy and knows enough to keep his clientele’s privacy for the types of adversaries he is accustomed to going up against (not nation state or federal gov)

is this ragebait? the guy above me literally said Hetzner.

there are people on Monero Market who will do it for you. SMS pool and Text Verified are also viable.

you can rent numbers as well for a period of time, iirc

Hetzner was recently outed in allowing fed MITM attacks so I’d be careful.

For alternatives, I recommend to use a community-ran Gitea instance. Project Segfault runs one.



Also check out Forgejo, it’s another git software. Disroot has an instance.



Correct. The snakes at the top play both sides against the middle, and while everyone is distracted by the puppet show, they do whatever they choose. Classic high level deception. Divide and conquer. Sadly most privacy bros don’t understand basic psy-ops and the art of war and deception.

when it comes to server-side software, FOSS is of little importance unless you are self hosting. there is zero way for you to verify, unlike client software.

end to end encrypted file sharing server, Send: https://github.com/timvisee/send-instances/

jitsi conference room server, or matrix chat server.

you could run an Oxen node for the Session onion messenger, or a relay for the SimpleX messenger. these are especially important things we need to reduce decentralized messenger dependence.

PrivateBin (pastebin) instance

the elites and corps have always done this sort of thing. if you rule over billions of retards wouldn’t you also make fun?

found the fed lol. your post reads like a CIA commissioned propaganda pamphlet

if you’re willing to go advanced for a bit of extra convenience, then install a mobile browser that has proxy support and proxify that web browser then dedicate the browser to the web version of whatever service you want to use.

social media isn’t social. go out and meet people like a normal human being like we have done for thousands of years. get a jmp.chat number dedicated for randoms.

sounds like you want to use social media but dont want the guilt, so you made this post.

damn bro. you’ve been through the wringer. just simplify your life and get a new phone. Pixel 6a for Graphene maybe.

You desperately need to use a custom rom. You have virtually zero mobile privacy until you do

Anything beyond defaults will give you a permanent unique browser fingerprint, as ublock lists are detectable in the DOM

Just make another user profile and dont put a vpn on it (assuming android)

Also it still knows you’re using vpn because split tunnel still uses the VPN provider’s DNS server, so sounds like they are also checking who you DNS provider is.

They sound like complete scumbags. Switch banks lol.

I’ve never once seen a valid argument of why someone should not use a VPN.

This. They dont want you to make new disposable accounts.