Grayjay - Follow Creators, Not Platforms
Grayjay is a unique media application that revolutionizes the relationship between content creators and their audience. Our app democratizes the content delivery process, shifting the focus from platforms to creators themselves.

Quick shout-out to Grayjay: An app to watch videos on any platform - reducing the power of individual services. The Software is open-source and can be found here:

I will test this out for myself and hope someone here finds this useful.

amazed at the number of upvotes considering this software’s aim is to specifically combat de-platforming of creators, a practice that is by and large supported by the fake progressive community making up the majority on lemmy.

I find it strange that they immediately called it a “better ReVanced”, when apart from the feed thing it doesn’t have nearly as many features as ReVanced.

Has anyone come up with an actual reason to switch? Because I have a feeling ReVanced is still better?

If only it didn’t require you to have a new phone to run it. (Minimum Android 10)

Can we get via Obtanium?

Sure, but it can also update itself.

I think this looks awesome. Curious if it will be added to F-Droid?

It’s not open source. It’s only source available.

Arthur Besse

where did you find that gitlab link? it isn’t linked from the project website; looking at the website i would assume it isn’t free software.

edit: oh, i see it isn’t actually free software after all, it is under source ‘source visible’ proprietary license. 🥱

It isn’t free however they are very clear that they make no effort to make you pay for it. IE the app works whether you pay or not and they aren’t planning to change that. It’s not free in the same way WinRAR isn’t free. Here’s the announcement video from Louis Rossman where he talks about that.

Arthur Besse

yes, as i said, it is not free software.

it is also not open source software.

hey can you please edit your post to remove the inaccurate statement “The Software is open-source”? you could say it is “source-visible software” or some other 🤡 term, but “open source” has a definition and this software’s license aint it.

I have found three comments from you, where you insert yourself as an expert on what Open Source is/not is. Although you do link to some sources, you do so without arguing your point. IMO this is not a constructive way of communication. Since I believe your perspective is purist but overall not too helpful, I will go through the trouble an actually argue the point:

Your problem is following sentence published by the OSI: “The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources.” Which FUTO does - they won’t allow you to put ads on top of their software and distribute it. But I hope that you would agree with me that GNU GPL is an Open Source License. However, they do have a copyleft which practically makes selling software impossible. If you use a library which uses the GPL, you have to make your sources available - which makes selling a compiled version a difficult task…

If we look at Wikipedia, we see following sentence: “Generally, open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use or modification from its original design.”, Grayjay fulfils this. Wikipedia continues: “{…}. Depending on the license terms, others may then download, modify, and publish their version {…}”, you are allowed to download and modify Grayjay. They do not allow you to commercially distribute your modifications, which is a license term.

Lets look at a big OSS company. Red Hat writes: “An open source development model is the process used by an open source community project to develop open source software. The software is then released under an open source license, so anyone can view or modify the source code.” These criteria are fulfilled by the FUTO TEMPORARY LICENSE (Last updated 7 June 2023). Red Hat does not mention the right to redistribute anywhere I could find it.

To those who actually read up to this point: I hope you find this helpful to form your own opinion based on your own research.

Arthur Besse

where you insert yourself as an expert on what Open Source is/not is

this is not really a controversial topic; assuming you were just confused, I linked to the definition and (in another comment you replied to) to the list of governments and other entities which all agree about it. i again encourage you to read those links as it sounds like you haven’t.

since you’ve declined to remove the inaccurate statement “The Software is open-source” from your post here in ! I am removing the post. (since I am an admin rather than a mod of the community, the moderation action will only federate to instances running the latest version of lemmy, which your instance isn’t, but fyi it should be removed from and any other instances running updated software.)

fwiw i think this is the first time i’ve used my admin privileges to remove something in a discussion i participated in myself, which tbh feels a little weird, but since this is a clear case of someone declining to remove a post making an objectively false claim, i’m going to.
bot account

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.

Can you import from a newpipe backup?

Since they encourage ppl to write plugins, hopefully someone will write an import feature.


No, only from an existing YouTube account

Not FOSS. So I don’t really trust it

Software simply being FOSS does not equal trust. It never has, and never should.

A free program certainly doesn’t make it trustworthy.

edit: as pointed out, free stands for liberty to do as you please, not the financial definition. With that in mind, I definitely wouldn’t call Grayjoy FOSS due to the license. I like my made up classification, but maybe this would work better; ROSS, “restricted open source software.”

An open source program doesn’t make it trustworthy. Unless you vet the program yourself you can never be 100% trusting.

For most of us, we’re trusting the smaller community of people who actually go through the code for us. We don’t trust individual pieces of FOSS, we trust the FOSS community and recognize that a developer is less likely to place malicious software in the code. However, it’s also much easier for a malicious 3rd party to fork the program and infect the code.

I’m confident that anything FUTO puts out is going to be heavily looked over by all the Louis haters and fanboys - if they’re up to something shady, we’ll hear about it.

This particular software is what I’d call Open Source Donation Ware (OSDW)

“please pay us but we aren’t checking if you do. Here’s the code, if you want you could copy it and remove the payment all together. However, we retain the legal right to destroy any fork that adds spy/malware.”

As a model, I can respect it. It’s a good medium between releasing the program to the wild and being closed source. It’s also a good model for making money for their work, pretty much like winrar’s approach (rip now that windows is finally getting native .rar support). Yes, some programs are more subtle with a little coffee cup button, but as long as it doesn’t constantly nag you, I’m okay with a more prominent ‘donation’ button.

I would like to point out that free in FOSS doesn’t mean free as in gratis. It means free as in libre, means independent. Open source independent software. And I trust no software that isn’t truly FOSS as a personal principle. I don’t care if it’s FUTO, Louis or even goddamn Facebook. Not open? No go. I will stick to Foss alternatives

What exactly do you mean by “trust”, here? Yes, it’s not fully FOSS, and I do understand why you wouldn’t like or use it because of that, but you can still verify the code, compile it yourself and build and run it with your own modifications, so how would being fully FOSS make you trust it more?

FOSS acts as a layer that protects users from the devolopers. Even if its from a respected privacy youtuber I will not look away because he is conciously making a decicion not to use an open source liscence. They could make it closed source the moment they gwt some marketshare

FOSS acts as a layer that protects users from the devolopers.


Not sure what part of a free YT+ frontend that doesn’t require permissions or an account you don’t trust, but the reason is they don’t want people to fork it freely and spread a version with malware, like happened to NewPipe.


I understand the reasoning, but I disagree that it’s an effective solution, or if it was, that it’d be worth what you’re giving up.

The app looks cool, but why did you post this in c/privacy? Does this have some extra privacy related features?

It excludes trackers from apps like YT, Twitch etc, so there is an argument to be made

Exactly this. Bonus points: this time privacy is more convenient than the native apps.

App looks legitimately amazing. Seems a bit buggy in alpha but I’m sure it’ll be ironed out. I just hope they look into supporting Piped instead of directly connecting to YouTube, as well as SponsorBlock. Once they get those 2 things and iron out some of the bugs, I’ll primarily use it for sure. Its a great concept.


Wouldn’t interacting through Piped just introduce an additional communication layer, which makes interacting with YT slower? I see your argument with Piped, but what would be the pros of using Piped which outweighs the additional communication costs?

Pro would just be not directly connecting through Google/YouTube servers, and instead using a proxy. Its a nice privacy benefit. I agree it could make things slower, so I don’t think it should completely replace direct connection with YouTube, but I just think the option would be nice to have.


Yeah a Piped option would be pretty great tbh, and probably most people wouldn’t notice the additional latency maybe?

The app supports plugins for other platforms with development docs coming that I don’t think are out yet. So if they don’t add it someone else certainly can

I literally just watched the video from Louis Rossman, and came straight here. Pleased to see everyone already talking about it!

I watched a bunch of that too but what was a little concerning to me was holding up Destiny as an example of a good use case for the service. There’s a reason Destiny keeps getting banned from every platform he touches. Putting him up front and center makes me wonder if they have a plan to deal with problematic people (like Destiny). Are they just going to the up hosting white supremacists and Neonazis? That’s not really a (meta)platform i want to support.

deleted by creator

You clearly have no idea what it is

deleted by creator

Sadly no iOS or Desktop app :/

A desktop app would be nice, but I wouldn’t count on an IOS app, because I’m pretty sure this violates app store policies.

But it is an alpha so there’s still the chance they could make a desktop app later.

We have ipa diles on ios :) And we can sideload apps

I wish somewhere on their site or anywhere in that description they’d say “Android App”.

I was a little disappointed as an iOS user browsing their site trying to find the iOS App Store link 😬.

Edit: I appreciate the advice to switch to Android but I really wasn’t asking. 😅

All you can hope is that some day they are forced to support 3rd party apps because of some anti monopoly lawsuit telling them they have too.

But good luck with that, Apple is very powerful and can probably just buy out the right lawyers and judges in that situation.

Or if they were forced to it would have an Apple twist on it like they get to approve the 3rd party app stores that are allowed or something.

Just get an Android phone you can put a custom ROM on and you’ll have a very good experience.

All you can hope is that some day they are forced to support 3rd party apps because of some anti monopoly lawsuit telling them they have too.

I’m not sure if you are aware already but the reason Epic are announcing a million changes to their business is that the previous business plan was based around them successfully throwing a fortune at suing Apple to force them to support 3rd party apps and they tried and failed.

I think if it were ever going to happen that way, Epic would have succeeded.

That’s not to say it won’t still happen one day through political means. Seems plausible the EU might force it at some stage.

That’s not how things work…

deleted by creator

Apple actively sabotages projects like this one. You’re using the wrong phone.

use yattee

Silly apple user you don’t get to have good apps

deleted by creator

Downloaded it and tried it. It’s awesome. It blows invidious and newpipe out of the water. Plus it includes my nebula subscriptions in with my YouTube subscriptions.

Do you know if it sends back watch data to the platforms? I pay for Nebula to support the folks I watch, so wouldn’t want to lose out on that.

Nebula is beta, hopefully it gets support for sending back watch stats and saving watch progress 🙏

I see they have something similar for YouTube already, where you can enable/disable anonymity (using your google account for requests VS anonymous requests), and enable/disable saving watch history to your linked Google account

I know there is an option for that on the YouTube settings, not sure about nebula though.

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