test sad

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


It probably is the the best bang for their buck. I doubt they lose significant profit from the simple stopgaps.

What is the logic beging UTC clocks (assuming you aren’t in a UTC time zone)? Less fingerprinting?

anyone down voting this, just remember that this is what your mom or friend will say when you send this to them.

I really enjoy 1Password for easy vault sharing between family members. I was able to get my (not so technically literate) siblings and dad onto my family plan. Baby steps!

Carrier data aggregation entered the chat.

It could be poorly optimized or non-ideally programmatically poking their service.

But instead of working with devs or releasing a real API they did this shit.

If you believe their privacy policy, nothing.

Optery does not sell or rent personal information to any third parties for any purpose. Optery is not a data broker. Optery does not have any financial relationship with any data broker. Optery is not affiliated with any data broker.


A pay to win method is using a service like Optery that you pay and they remove you from hundreds of data brokers, sometimes by hand.

Doh! My bad.

It isn’t custom firmware but it does install software on top of the existing firmware onboard which is pretty slick.

I wish somewhere on their site or anywhere in that description they’d say “Android App”.

I was a little disappointed as an iOS user browsing their site trying to find the iOS App Store link 😬.

Edit: I appreciate the advice to switch to Android but I really wasn’t asking. 😅

I’ve never heard of Arkenfox or user.js. what do they do?

Like what? Their office apps?

I do find it annoying to delete them on new phones.

This is awesome.

One of the best decisions Apple ever made was not letting carriers and other OEMs install bloatware on phones out of the box.

It’s in their honorable mentions.

Have no source available clients is the author’s main nit pick.

So old that your age must be old enough to view content I guess!