If I own a community that’s related to a piece of software, service, or other community and someone who actually contributes to that wants it, message me and it’s yours. I stake no claim in communities, I simply want to see them exist and thrive.

  • 1 Post
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


Older people ignore the comment sections in their factorization. I think this can be fair but also isn’t necessarily when we consider things like livestreams on twitch and youtube, where you will have actual communities form on the platform itself, who communicate and form friendships and relationships. Unlike message boards and forums typically have, there is a “main character” if you will, but I don’t think that makes it asocial.

There’s also the participatory, communicative environment people feel even as smaller creators. It’s not like film and TV where you need an entire network and brand backing you, and as such it’s pretty democratized to be a social outlet for people.

Why are you always spending time with the CIA? Pretty sus, maybe you’re in the CIA, or a CIA shill, huh?

OP ITT is really just jumping around screaming that they’re the only person on this platform who’s not in the CIA lmao

That one is certainly illegal, misrepresenting yourself as a lawyer online and giving legal advice on that basis. Same for doctors.

Genuine question: Aren’t you supposed to say “this is not legal advice?” if you identify yourself as a lawyer but you’re not their legal council? Or am I mistaken?

I understand the reasoning, but I disagree that it’s an effective solution, or if it was, that it’d be worth what you’re giving up.

No, only from an existing YouTube account

Alternatives to Cloudflare tunnels?
I have a bunch of services on a home machine and I use cloudflare tunnels to access them on the WAN. My ISP locks down ports 80 and 443, and so tunnels were the most viable way for me to get various pages online easy; especially helped since it's easy to configure and free to boot. But I've been seeing more people talk about it being privacy invasive, and while I'm probably gonna remain largely ignorant on why, I was wanting to know if there was an alternative to this that I can use?

My perspective is that security breaches of companies are a guaranteed inevitability. What information we give them will end up in the hands of someone we don’t want to have access to it.

I am. You are too.

Ah you don’t matter since you’re just one person, right? Then tell me your address, payment information, every friend you have, how often you spend with each of them, and where you go with them.

Personal identification information like emails, phone numbers, date of birth
Device info including the devices you use to access google, models, OS, unique identifiers, and mobile network info
Location info including IPs, GPS, and data from other sensors Search queries including links you interact with and other info related to interaction with websites
Usage data including language preferences and which ads you interact with
Communication data like the time and date you made certain communications, the content and subject of the communication, voicemail messages in google voice, who you’re communicating with, when, content of chats including in hangouts/chat/meet, call quality, call duration, and other technical data
Content interaction information on how you interact with content through Google services; views, downloads, shares, likes, and comments
Youtube viewing history, including watch time, and impressions, what you do while you’re watching them, likes, and subscribes
Google apps data specific to app usages; so things like google Drive that collects data on files you upload, download, share, types of files, who you share them with, how often you access them, changes you make, and comments you leave; Gmail collects data from emails including who you’re emailing, who’s emailing you, and the email subject and contents; GCal collects all the data you input as well as how often and how you use your calendar; Photos collects data on where and when the photo or video was taken, who was in it, and other details about the photo; Maps tracks search info, routes taken, and other location-based information; Play collects data on apps you download, how often you use them, how you interact with them
Data collected through cookies that collect and store information, as well as pixel tags, local storage, browser web storage, application data caches, databases, and server logs

TL;DR if they can, they track it. We also have only some idea as to how they could be using this data to create personal profiles and social graphs for users to even link you with others in your proximity by comparing time and location data, pictures, preferences, etc.

We wouldn’t want official accounts of any corporation in this community.

The etiquette of other forums don’t define the etiquette here. You’re aware that the entire internet doesn’t exist in a monoculture, right?

I found a smaller instance of Invidious whose been taken down and rolled over to a new IP within a couple hours. I’m feeling pretty safe where I’m at.

Long term I’d like to see PeerTube become a viable alternative but I don’t really see that happening.

Why the hell aren’t the dots aligned with the words?

Queue me, sitting here looking like an idiot trying to trace the line with my finger 3 times to find out what they’re even claiming.