I care about my privacy, though I like it’s UI. Is it really as bad as some say?

Oliver Lowe

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Skull giver

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f i r e f o x.

i mean cmon

It’s always been weird to me how people use Brave. Like there’s a big class of Brave users who seem like people who would just be better off on Firefox? I guess it’s some of the best evidence I have seen that marketing works.


The problem is, that Firefox Android can’t group tabs. That’s VERY important for me, and is the only reason I don’t use Firefox (it’s messy using different browsers in PC/Phone).

Fair enough. I don’t use either of those features, so it’s not on my mind.

It’s literally just a coat of paint on google chrome. You might as well install internet explorer toolbars until an unknown browser appears on your desktop and use that.

You’re on Lemmy. Lemmy hates Brendan Eich. Take the top comments with a grain of salt.

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The Doctor

Folks know they’ll never be Google. Folks think they might just become crypto rich Someday Soon.

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Ulaa Browser is pretty good on Android.


Vivaldi if you want a chromium privacy experience. Not fully open source but works well, has desktop sync and a good tablet UI which is my biggest reason for not using FF.

I only have a tablet and a phone and until FF creates a viable tablet UI I’m staying away.

Vivaldi is not a “privacy” experience. It sure has some comfy features, but Vivaldi is not private. Use it if you like it’s UI features, just know that it isn’t private.


F-Droid has a few choices in it’s repos. Privacy Browser, Mull, just to name a few.

What are the biggest showstoppers?

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You could try to change the browser ID string that is sent with every request.

Also curious as someone who has been using it daily for years what they think a streamlined browser experience is

Chromite, this is sounder Fork and a new generation of bromite (like the most secure and private browser on android(excluding tor maybe))


This may not be helpful, but if you’re willing to flash GrapheneOS on a pixel, Vanadium is wonderful.

Vanadium has not that many features, no dark mode, no Adblocking

They used to recommend bromite, but since it’s not developed anymore they don’t

But there’s a promising fork of bromite called chromite, I tried it recently and it rocks


Huh? It has a dark mode in Settings->Theme.

As for ad-blocking, I have found that system-wide blocking works great as suggested in the docs https://grapheneos.org/faq#ad-blocking. YMMV…

Cromite indeed looks great.

It doesn’t have the dark mode, the one that makes white pages black

The DNS Adblocking fix is not really viable if you live nowhere near that server, otherwise it will make your experience miserable

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They had their ups and downs.

There was that thing where some domains where whitelisted from blocking, don’t know whether it was cookies or something else. Not great, but easily explained by not wanting to break stuff for unexpecting users, maybe bad communication. Shouldn’t happen when you go privacy first, but that was resolved quickly after being discovered at least.

There was the time when they injected affiliate links when visiting some sites, to generate some revenue of course. They overdid it and replaced affiliate links of other people I think, but again they changed it after the community complained. I don’t know whether that’s optional now or completely gone. In any case, no harm was done to the users in this instance.

One thing you can definitely hold against them to this day is their CEO. He supported anti-queer legislature in the past and was dismissed as Firefox CEO (CTO? Something very high up at least) for that reason. He did apologize for it and afaik didn’t continue supporting that kinda stuff, but you never know.

Imo the browser as it is right now is pretty good and unique in what it has to offer. The biggest issue really is a lack of trust by the community.

Be careful, Brave marketing team is well known for disguising themselves as users and promote their bloated crapware via comments.

They overdid it in 4chan and ended up alienating the entire community.

Then they moved to Reddit but people already started seeing Brave for what they really are, a scummy company that has been caught redhanded way to many times to be trusted.

Now they are here on Lemmy, desperately trying to get more chumps under their ad machine before BAT hits 0 and their advertising partners lose all interest.

Just say no to Brave, there are way better browsers out there, with real privacy, that won’t make you look like a hateful brainwashed-by-politics piece of shit.


Any examples of their stuff on 4chan?

Bloated. That really nails what Brave is


You should NOT trust Brave to not play fast and loose with your privacy. They already operate an advertising network (it operates on those stupid little BAT tokens) and they DO inject ads and affiliate links.

I strongly recommend Firefox1 or Librewolf.

1 - You must install plugins and apply user.js fixes yourself to properly harden Firefox completely against tracking; but this is doable.

Someone on the last Brave thread suggested using Floorp and honestly I’ve been loving it. It comes with Tree Style Tabs support but I much I prefer Sidebery so I use Floorp’s built in sidebar with Sidebery instead. It works fantastic, and using Firefox color theming to tweak everything also works well.

Hey, I use Firefox but I’ve never heard of making edits to the user.js config. Could you point me in the direction of some information about this?

it’s the same as about:config


This. They detail perfectly how you can properly harden Firefox with whichever settings you think fit your privacy needs best and even discuss the tradeoffs for each setting.


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My dude, the question was about software.

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Brave is an alternative. There are better alternatives but its better than chrome or edge


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I do not use it, my comment was only about the Android version.

Em Adespoton

Because it still supports a monolithic browser engine culture. But that’s not a privacy thing.

Why does this topic keep coming up?

Anything. 👏 Chromium. 👏 Based. 👏 Is. 👏 Bad.

If you give a shit, you’ll suck it up and change to Firefox or Mull. If your excuse for not doing so is UI based, your convenience is more important than your privacy.

Shh, nobody mention that half your apps are probably rendered in chromium.

yeah I have 2 apps on my computer that use electron

discord and balena etcher


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bros using ff🤡. if you’re not literally using a terminal based text only browser on linux from scratch on a vm whose bare metal is disconnected from the internet and in a faraday cage in an underground bunker, your convenience is more important than your privacy.

Anything. 👏 Internet. 👏 Based. 👏 Is. 👏 Bad.

only useful part of this comment is it reminded me that I forgot I had qutebrowser installed

God you write like a obnoxious bitch

Begone, thot.


Is there a better alternative on Android? I’ve tried switching to Firefox a few times but it feels way too slow. Scrolling and zooming (I do a lot of zooming on mobile) feels unusably choppy.

Firefox typically is pretty smooth even on my tablet that has 2gb of ram and a quad core arm processor.

Eager Eagle

Looks smooth to me. In fact, as the only Android browser afaik that has support for ublock origin, Firefox is the only usable mobile option IMO.


Mull is a Firefox fork that’s even more privacy oriented and still can sync with your FF settings.

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