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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


You have nothing to hide huh… So you take a shit with the stall door open?

In some places, you cant buy a burner with cash, but you could with a gift card that was registered with cash or a prepaid debit.

I would also recommend buying a faraday bag to keep it isolated.

Edit: keep that in the faraday bag untill you need it.

Same here in the US, only major cities have somewhat acceptable public transport and the price of cars is insane. My advice for you, get a cheap used car (most older cars are good for privacy because the computers are lacluster at most.), and do some preventitve maintince to keep it out of the shop.

Gave it a try, its really buggy but after few patches it should be fine.

Not to also mention that the dev for qksms hasn’t fixed some issues from 2017.

I understand thats its sent in plain text, I just want something that works and doesn’t have trackers built in.

I already tried getting my family and friends to use signal, so that cant really be done because none of them want to use it.

what are your recommendations for a good privacy friendly sms app?
Hello, currently I use qksms but its very problematic and lacks basic fetures. One of those issues being you cant send videos, and sending and recieving media is pixalated or blurry because of a commpresion issue. I've already tried adjusting the compresion options in settings to find out it doesn't work. What messangers do you guys/gals recommend?

I think modern modern cars are doing an ok job keeping us safe, but privacy wise hell no. I’m going going to stick with my junker that has a roll cage

You can start by looking up your name on major search engines and delete social accounts that are yours, and for the people search websites some of them have opt outs but most are really annoying and don’t comply (in my experience)

Consider using a privacy respecting browser like Firefox with the extension uBlock origin. Keep it to a max of two other extensions because it makes your browser more identifiable.

Consider using open source software over closed source software (just because it’s open source doesn’t mean it’s always safe)

For email I use proton mail and I’ve been very happy with it along with there other stuff.

As some other people have mentioned, self hosting is a good option if you have the time for it, and a spare computer laying around.

Firefox typically is pretty smooth even on my tablet that has 2gb of ram and a quad core arm processor.

Google and privacy is the same as putting lithium in water

When I was younger I was amazed by how easy it was to track people on the early internet. this is when putting a script tag in a comment section to show images in comments was popular but quickly became exploited and faded away. I also became worried about this in my web development class learning how to use JS and saw how easy it was for a bad actor to execute malicious JS on people’s browsers.