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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 27, 2023


Headquartered in the US so I wouldn’t guarantee it.
This was against Google specifically but I would imagine it would hold up against any US based search engine they felt someone was using.

Vivaldi if you want a chromium privacy experience. Not fully open source but works well, has desktop sync and a good tablet UI which is my biggest reason for not using FF.

I only have a tablet and a phone and until FF creates a viable tablet UI I’m staying away.

Not really and some would argue that from a local network perspective HTTPS is preferable.

The main difference is that HTTPS routes through a standard port so gets “lost” in all other Https traffic whereas TLS uses a distinct port so whilst it’s encrypted you would be able to see at the local level that you’re using DNS over TLS but not what you’re doing.

I use two across different devices.



Both offer DNS over TLS and both are privacy focused which was why I decided to use them.