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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2023


You could try to change the browser ID string that is sent with every request.

That was at times of DES. Cryptography that is used today is proven to be complicated enough that it’s unbreakable unless the government got quantum computing working at sufficient skale.

Like others wrote, attacks will happen when the messages are received and decrypted.

I don’t object the creation. I just want to know why there is that discrepancy.

I have been browsing /new since about a week and this is the third anti-brave submission that I see there.

Why are there daily posts against Brave but not against other browsers? Is Google more trustworthy than Brave?

They can be upset. As somebody seeing the post on the all-channel, it’s strange that they start and finish the post with pointing out the lead dev when there is no clear sign that he is involved.