Most of the children around here get their first smartphone at the age of 12. At school they get thaught about the risks of the internet and social media but parents are also asked to guide their children on this path.

Before that age most schilderen have access to a tablet and the advice there is to only let it be used in the places where you as a parent are present. Not in their room for example. You don’t have to hover above them but just being near and checking the tablet every few days or weeks will do.

Same with gaming consoles or computers. We have them in our living room so our children only use them in those spaces where other people can be around. That way we can hear their conversations and intervene when their are getting too loud or make sure they use proper language.

No real software limitations apart from adblockers. I did block a whole list of porn sites when they were younger than 12 bit after that age I took away all the restrictions on my router. We had a conversation on the impact and consequences of porn but they will be curious and will find or encounter porn eventually.

So, I would say. Teach and supervice your child and make sure they have the appropriate age for or are to be trusted with their devices.

Thank you. By searching for a perfectly technical solution, parents could lose track of additionally classical parenting like good communications with their children from an early age, friendly interest in their online activities and teaching them that there is sometimes disturbing content online, but you are always there for them to talk without judgement. Anyway I would suggest a few technical solutions like (already mentioned) routers DNS filter and default search engines suitable for children.

Oh, why people like you weren’t when I was trying to teach IT as volunteer?

As soon as I mentioned web browsers and “yes, the internet is much more than youtube, tiktok, instagram - they’re websites, but not all of internet”… I never knew what a mix of tech-illiteracy and helicopter parenting would be like.

You sir, understand the importance of allowing a child to go through their wrongs at the right time with the right guidance which is quite rare!

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As there’s been a few mentions of apple/ios in the thread :

There are several concerning, though unsurprising things to note, considering they collect data themselves, and have their own growing ad business :

“We may also use their information for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research.”

“ Strategic Partners At times, Apple may make certain personal information available to strategic partners that work with Apple to provide products and services, or that help Apple market to customers. Personal information from your child will be shared by Apple only to provide or improve our products and services; it will not be shared with third parties for their marketing purposes. “ and more . Might be of interest to some. The above quotes are both regarding Children’s data.

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I would say keep using basic security stuff like dns ad/malware/non-child-friendly content blockers, and (more importantly) educate them so they know how to stay safe. If you aren’t handing them an iPhone with their own instagram account as soon as they turn 2 you are doing better than a lot of parents. As a kid (high school age) I can tell you that they will figure out ways around anything you put on there but as long as they understand internet security they won’t want to bypass it.

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What i’ll do is buy the oldest android you can find, somewhere within 4.4 and install all the privacy safe apps that lock kids from certain sites and such. Hide everything, make it look like it’s a new android (they’ll never know) and watch as they question on why android apps and current hack tricks aren’t working.

The Hobbyist

Do not follow this advice. Using an obsolete android version is by no means a way to get a secure phone, no matter the apps. Android has vulnerabilities regularly discovered, which is normal, so keeping up to date with the operating system is a necessity to stay secure. There’s no way around it.


It doesn’t matter how many fixes you try to fix in current android, it will always be insecure. Google Play won’t work for 4.4 so the kids won’t install any app. Blocking sideloading will make the kids unable to sideload. All they ever have is and android phone with the heaviest browser restriction, any website not on your list becomes block. Super simple, the fear of insecure is only from people who can’t control the phone 100%.

Easy. They can have a phone when they can buy one for themselves. By that point they should be mature enough for just about anything

Skull giver

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Skull giver

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Mentioned below another comment but want to post it independently as well:

I have used TimeLimit. It works completely local on the phone with the option to run it online if earned.

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Anything other than whitelist-type parental controls will likely be insufficient to block absolutely everything you don’t want them to have access to (or want to have access to them, for that matter).

Honestly, the best way to do so would be no internet access without supervision, which is usually not really a viable option in any reasonable real-world scenario.

The second best way I can think of, albeit a slightly technical solution, is to setup a VPN server at home using a raspberry pi or a similar hosting solution and have the phone connect through that. That way you can control internet access in any way you’d like and even block nasty tracking attempts from apps if you so wish. Most android phones have the option to prevent internet access entirely if not connected to the VPN (this will prevent internet access from any WiFi and mobile data networks). In which case they can still just call or text in emergency situations. The only thing left to do is locking down the phone’s settings, and the rest can be dynamically managed from your network.

All of this does require some basic networking knowledge, but it’s actually surprisingly easy to setup.

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(optionally self-hosted, or completely offline, or on their server) should be mentioned.
is even on fdroid

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This is unfortunately why I moved the kids devices to iPhone/iPad.

I was not able to find any native methods of locking things down without involving third parties collecting a ton of data.

In iOS I can set their account as a child account, which then lets me

  • limit what applications they can launch
  • what websites they can visit
  • how much screen time they spend in an app or category of apps
  • disable in app purchases
  • disable pop up advertisements in app
  • require approval from parent account for any app download (including free)
  • remove ability to delete apps or change specific settings

all with the native iOS settings

Wait, this lets you disable pop up advertisements in apps? How does that work?

This is unfortunately why I moved the kids devices to iPhone/iPad.

I was not able to find any native methods of locking things down without involving third parties collecting a ton of data.

But creepy Apple collecting tons of data on your children is okay by you?

Yes - that data is already being collected regardless of which OS you choose; this is at least contained to the creator of your OS, not yet another entity.

Also, iOS being arguably less than Google’s collection and use.

Yes - that data is already being collected regardless of which OS you choose; this is at least contained to the creator of your OS, not yet another entity.

Not if you install a deGoogled OS such as LineageOS, CalyxOS, Iodé or /e/,

Also, iOS being arguably less than Google’s collection and use.

Don’t drink the kool-aid. Apple’s reputation for being a privacy-respecting company is entirely fictional and created by Apple’s marketing department. They collect as much data as Google does, make no mistake about it.

And even if they didn’t, I don’t consider “a little less” privacy invasion remotely good enough - especially when it’s my children’s privacy!

We’re talking out of the box solutions; what you’re talking about is custom roms that will be above most people’s skill set and time to do so.

iPhones are a thing because they simply work - that is a much bigger selling point than anything else you and I could suggest.

You have a point there.

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I have used TimeLimit. It works completely local on the phone with the option to run it online if earned.

limit what applications they can launch
what websites they can visit
how much screen time they spend in an app or category of apps
disable in app purchases
disable pop up advertisements in app
require approval from parent account for any app download (including free)
remove ability to delete apps or change specific settings

Google family link gives you controls over:

Android app activity and limits
Filters on Chrome, including custom black and whitelisting for websites
SafeSearch to remove sexually explicit and violet results in Google Search
Usage limits, including individual app limits
Google Play purchases, content restrictions, approval for app installs
Google Assistant app access and voice matching
Location tracking to find your child's device
Account info
Google Photo sharing
Google account sign in controls across new devices
Activity control such as web and YouTube history

source Seems like rather similar options to me?
But I have to admit to never having used either anyway.

But that locks you into apple’s walled garden, and supports their predatory practises. It’s no better.

It’s unfortunate but in some cases you do have to accept trade offs to get what you want. Not to mention apple has that built in, while much of what’s being recommended here are custom roms and other things that are not exactly user friendly to run out of the box.

Pixel with grapheneOS

I think an iPhone with ScreenTime would be better. They would def need to configure it out of the box but they only have to do it once and make a backup.

Bonus points for the Shortcuts/automations app to help teach them about programming in an approachable way.

Depends if you consider apple spyware. All depends on your threat model. In my option for security and privacy it would be

GrapheneOS then apple then others


there’s also Calyx and /e/

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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