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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2023


I get sick from the sleazeball slimey replies like ‘‘I’m so happy to have been part of project a’’. People chiming in to shamelesly self promote on other people’s posts.

You could just give them fake personal information. In the end, if they really want they could identify you because you probably pay with your card?

Password manager is something I’ve been preaching but they seem to find it to much of a hassle. Set up Ubikeys for my MIL. Works like a charm.

Are you kidding me? They used WhatsApp for intelligence communication?

They need to be sure it’s you who’s unsubscribing, I suppose. There’s been enough social engineering to not rely on emails only.

Apparently it seems that I don’t get it indeed.

I said Droid-ify is a 'best of both worlds because it offers the easy of use of F-droid but also pulls from IzzyOnDroid/GitHub.

Droid-ify offers apps from different repositories so you can have Izzyondroid and F-droid at the same time. It also scans for updates and does auto-updates if possible.

KYC (Know Your Costumor) Here you have a small overview.


When you create an account online, a selfie along with a copy of your id is deemed minimal verification.

They should unsubscribe you by simple request and only need your e-mail for that. You could verify by clicking a link in an unsubscribe email.

They can’t ask for more information than what they needed to create your account.

But maybe they’re seen as a bank and then they have to confirm your identity with a copy of your id.

Are they considered a bank? Because a be’abnk had to verify your identity and for that they can use a copy of your id.

Most of the children around here get their first smartphone at the age of 12. At school they get thaught about the risks of the internet and social media but parents are also asked to guide their children on this path.

Before that age most schilderen have access to a tablet and the advice there is to only let it be used in the places where you as a parent are present. Not in their room for example. You don’t have to hover above them but just being near and checking the tablet every few days or weeks will do.

Same with gaming consoles or computers. We have them in our living room so our children only use them in those spaces where other people can be around. That way we can hear their conversations and intervene when their are getting too loud or make sure they use proper language.

No real software limitations apart from adblockers. I did block a whole list of porn sites when they were younger than 12 bit after that age I took away all the restrictions on my router. We had a conversation on the impact and consequences of porn but they will be curious and will find or encounter porn eventually.

So, I would say. Teach and supervice your child and make sure they have the appropriate age for or are to be trusted with their devices.

Well, if you’re in the EU you could tell your DPO and they should take action to prevent your company from using Zoom from now on.