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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


(optionally self-hosted, or completely offline, or on their server) TimeLimit.io should be mentioned.
is even on fdroid

limit what applications they can launch
what websites they can visit
how much screen time they spend in an app or category of apps
disable in app purchases
disable pop up advertisements in app
require approval from parent account for any app download (including free)
remove ability to delete apps or change specific settings

Google family link gives you controls over:

Android app activity and limits
Filters on Chrome, including custom black and whitelisting for websites
SafeSearch to remove sexually explicit and violet results in Google Search
Usage limits, including individual app limits
Google Play purchases, content restrictions, approval for app installs
Google Assistant app access and voice matching
Location tracking to find your child's device
Account info
Google Photo sharing
Google account sign in controls across new devices
Activity control such as web and YouTube history

source Seems like rather similar options to me?
But I have to admit to never having used either anyway.

yeah, it doesn’t destroy anything on the worldwide scale.
but it weakens.

erosion is a rather perfect term for it

how about gitlab as a self-hosted alternative?

You may be thinking of motioneye - https://github.com/motioneye-project/motioneye, which integrates with HASS fairly well if I remember.

Pretty sure I was, thanks!

Quite a while ago, I used motion.
It’s fairly basic, but did all that I needed. It’s standalone, so no integration with home-assistant, at least not to my memory.

I seem to remember that there is something that builds up on motion, and I dimly remember a web-interface, but can’t find the package right now.

Maybe an okay starting point, if no-one points out something better

In my experience if you actually are decent friends with people sticking to your guns is enough.

Yes, you may feel like the dick if they ask you to “just use whatsapp, everyone does!”, but in the end most people will install a free app to keep in contact with family and friends