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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


It’s not impossible lol. All a company would need to do is keep track of where they were getting content. If I use a script to download as much of the internet as possible and end up with a bunch of copyrighted content I could still get in trouble, hell there was even a guy arrested for downloading jstor without authorization.. Stop letting these guys get away with crimes just because you like the idea of the end product

This might be a change due to that new Microsoft recall program

I know you the author doesn’t seem to want to hear about Home Assistant, but it does have the HomeKit integration they want and you have the fine tuned control the want too!

It’s still just as bad. We leave ours disconnected from the internet, but a quick note here: I’ve heard of some tv’s auto-connecting to open WiFi networks if available (though ours does not and nobody near us has an open WiFi network). We just have a very generic Hisense tv from 2019 I think

It’s unfortunate but in some cases you do have to accept trade offs to get what you want. Not to mention apple has that built in, while much of what’s being recommended here are custom roms and other things that are not exactly user friendly to run out of the box.

Honestly laziness. Setting up a Linux vm works fine for light Linux apps, and ssh/rdp does everything that needs more processing power.

Given the Google web-drm thing I probably need to start looking at wiping it and putting Linux or FreeBSD or SOMETHING else but just haven’t felt like wiping a working system yet and reinstalling everything.

Was about to comment this! My Chromebook still runs chrome os but once support runs out it’ll be getting straight Linux

Update: they have a very active github for the desktop app, and they had a fix almost immediately. There are webAPI calls that can be appended to the end of the meeting link before starting. If your link for example is “https://meet.jit.si/myLesson” you can append the following string: #config.disableAP=true&config.disableAEC=true&config.disableNS=true&config.disableAGC=true&config.disableHPF=true&config.stereo=true

making it https://meet.jit.si/myLesson#config.disableAP=true&config.disableAEC=true&config.disableNS=true&config.disableAGC=true&config.disableHPF=true&config.stereo=true`

and this will disable all the audio processing that could harm the meeting. You will probably want headphones though as it will cause a lot of echoes if it can hear anything from the meeting.

Figured I’d leave this here in case anyone else was looking for a similar solution.

EDIT: Lemmy keeps adding “amp;” after each & symbol. Those are incorrect but so far I’m failing to get the thing to stop doing it every time I hit post. Those should be removed for a working link. Try this link to see how it should look.

Yeah and that’s my problem I only need one 2 person conference a week and webex is like using a nuclear bomb to go fishing price wise

I looked at them too but couldn’t find an obvious way to get it from Cisco without buying a license big enough to share with everyone I know lol

Do you know if they support disabling things like auto-equalization of audio or changing the bitrate? I use zoom for music lessons because they’re the only one I’ve ever found that will let me do that, which sucks because zoom really isn’t that great of an app

Lag wasn’t terrible when I did it with one speaker, I’ll freely admit I have not tried it as a whole house setup but I’ve seen guides out there from people who have

Sonos is probably the easiest one as others have mentioned. A bunch of raspberry pi’s with pulseaudio configured for remote streaming from a master audio source could also work for playing the same song in multiple locations if you want a more diy approach

You’re probably right, but why in the heck does instagram need health and fitness data? That really should set off alarm bells to any of the saps downloading that thing…

I feel like everyone should have assumed this the second it was known this was a Chinese company…