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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


They can fuck right off with their integration; preferably into the nearest star.

All our account names are some variation of fuck off sony, with email addresses to match, which are ruled to go straight into the trash.

Yes, and you everyone should be staying the hell away from it If the creators washed their hands of it and feel guilty for selling out, anyone continuing to use it since Facebook acquisition, has no privacy rights whatsoever.

We’re talking out of the box solutions; what you’re talking about is custom roms that will be above most people’s skill set and time to do so.

iPhones are a thing because they simply work - that is a much bigger selling point than anything else you and I could suggest.

Yes - that data is already being collected regardless of which OS you choose; this is at least contained to the creator of your OS, not yet another entity.

Also, iOS being arguably less than Google’s collection and use.

This is unfortunately why I moved the kids devices to iPhone/iPad.

I was not able to find any native methods of locking things down without involving third parties collecting a ton of data.

In iOS I can set their account as a child account, which then lets me

  • limit what applications they can launch
  • what websites they can visit
  • how much screen time they spend in an app or category of apps
  • disable in app purchases
  • disable pop up advertisements in app
  • require approval from parent account for any app download (including free)
  • remove ability to delete apps or change specific settings

all with the native iOS settings