• 2 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


What do you think about my workaround I edited in? It works, however inelegantly

You've done well [You’ve done well]

[You’ve done well]


Edit: is there any way to caption the text or abstract over displaying the link with the text you want go caption it as? Is that somehow possible?

How can I do that, like linking to an image and there being thumbnail so you don’thave to click it?

Can you actually point out most problematic/disregardable for the rest of the class? Thanks teach’

It would be funny if there was a community called LetsNotClick

Oddly, I’d prefer not to “click” that lol. Any brave soul wanna take one for the team of me?

How does it address the issues with like money laundering, KYC, etc? Wouldn’t you, in practice, basically need a lawyer to help make sure you “use” it correctly and legally?

What does Monero do? Why don’t they emulate whatever it is that Monero achieves its reputation and functionality with?

Deanonymize me, John F Kennedy

—Government Hooker, Gaga, probably

Convergent encryption with filenames/checks isn’t e2ee. Do you consider a glass bulletproof safe to be satisfactory when everyone can see how much money or what kinda of jewels and treasures (or copyrighted materials from torrents) you’re retaining? Seems kinda useless from “need to know” vantage point

Its not just ads that are the problem, its that the data is even being invasively aggregated in the first place. I don’t believe APPL actually does Privacy to the fullest extent so much as they imply and boast about it. If that were the case, all their Apps and everything should have the No Data Collected checkmark or be limited to analysitcs and junk. They should never be collecting and claiming ownership over User Content and similar outrageous datagrabs

foss alternative to Instagram


Edit: doesn’t like Signal stories cover this usecase. I don’t really “get” shit like IG tbh

Just do it. Go buy a bag of frozen strawberries or whatever frozen fruit you would like to turn into a smoothie and just let it defrost until you’ve got a Juicero-style juice pack

Edit: if you don’t cut the top and its still like hermetically sealed, you basically and literally have the same thing—juice pack.

Again, you can just like buy frozen fruit and let it melt into juice. Not sure how that would work with apples/oranges (never see them as frozen fruit) but I don’t care for the mentioned since they’re so high in sugar baseline but my tip here def works.

The idea you need to buy a “juice pack” rather than literally buying a bag of good frozen fruit and just letting it melt into juice is insane. I hate how companies have everyone convinced they can offer you something and act like its super hard and only they can do it sucks.

I had this realization about computer apps. You can replicate almost any function or code, but it does makes sense often in that domain to simply buy the app if its for keeps and that is maintained.

Do you seriously believe that ad-free means they’re not still tracking the hell outta you and aggregating from many sources you probably don’t know about like Patreon and shit?

Edit: and on the subject of personalized ads, I find it more worriesome when you can’t see whats going on. Its a weird paradox

Take a look at privacy.sexy (you’ll have to paste this is, could not get link to work) first and configure your PCs. That’s the only step imma give and it might be the most important

I feel like word of mouth is always gonna Trump all that bullshit. I wanna see more of that kinda advertising cuz there’s personal stakes for the bullshit recommenders


They’re great, just need to add default private/incognito mode

Might have to check out your instance, sounds mighty cozy 🫶🧉

Thanks for the business perspective here. I really wish we had more folks like you who can give us that side/insight and still be engaged with the overall spirit of the community(s).

This is a question the community should give a little bit of attention to. Its easy to basically say “burn it all down” or even the slow-burn equivalent we have going currently but there needs to be a long-term roadmap to help deal with the objections of the dominant landscape and its major players to help further advance the cause and get everyone who’s “update-able” up to speed

Also why does Android not have this? I keep going to press it and nothing’s there

I can’t even with these people. Sitting duckz/suckersz doesn’t even begin to accurately convey

What are good private dictionary apps (paid is ok) across the platforms that you know of or use?
Seems like every dictionary wants your first born personal data-wise. What's a good, non-chatty private dictionary app that I can buy across various platforms/devices?