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Have a look at SwissTransfer. Its run by Infomaniak, and supports files up to 50gb. You can password protect transfers and set the maximum amount of times a file can be downloaded.

Alternatively you can go a bit old school and encrypt the files on a pen drive and send by courier. I still do this as I have some family with broadband speeds from 20 years ago.

This. It’s such a great service that it’s almost too good to be true. And damn they are fast

Helix 🧬


Send has always been easy to use and reliable for me, double points for being free software

Looks great. Thank you

+1 for send, been reliable for me for over a year.

Telegram, syncthing or upload to your cloud (onedrive, google drive, dropbox, whatever you use) and sharing the link. If you are near your friend and both have android, use nearby (like airdrop but on android).

Syncthing has sharing links?!?! I use it on an my devices, I had no idea.

Slightly off topic, but

I’ve looked into ways to access SyncThing files remotely from a web file manager… You basically need to slap a web interface for file management onto one of your devices, preferably a Linux one. It doesn’t look particularly simple, and it could be a security nightmare if you don’t do it right.

I think he means share the link to the file on a cloud storage service.

ST requires the other person to install ST, add your device, and the the folder can be shared to them and it’ll sync.

If you both are familiar with torrenting, make a torrent file, send the magnet link and then torrent the file.

No need for a central server.

Before that decrypt with gpg after over some other platform sharing your gpg public keys.

Is there a decent app for this?

It has been years since I used one, but back then Transmission was a good client.

It’s maybe sorta simple and lacking advanced features or even stuff like incremental file downloading in qbittorrent but on macos it feels like it’s the same app today that it was 15 years ago - it works and is stable and light on resources especially with modern systems. Hasn’t looked even a morsel different since I was in high school. Actually weirdly impressive especially considering changes to apple and macos apps over the years due to os changes some old apps just won’t launch on new macos versions

Nobody else could torrent the file without the magnet link, right?

That is the point of it, but if you are worried, grab 7-zip and make an mencrypted archive.

Wouldn’t the DHT scrapers still find it? Also what tracker do you guys use for this? I’ve thought about doing this but I am always worried it’ll get downloaded by unintended observers (regardless of how hard I PGP the contents.)

I am not really sure of how fast a DHT scraper works, but if you are worried, encrypt the file with VeraCrypt or 7zip before torrenting it.

It is a sensible precaution, since tge file is sent in clear over the interweb

Good to know, I was just double checking. Thanks!

Agreed. I recently did this (first time making a torrent-file) to transfer a set of 45 min videos to a friend, and will probably prefer this way of doing it in the future.

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Seems cool, but with Send existing, and Wormhole being closed source, it seems like it’s the lesser choice.


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