Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Wanna guess which it was?

Reagan Youth?

In U.S., A's for apathy
Not bullshit democracy
Red white and blue is all you see
But does it mean you're really free?

In U.S., A's for anarchy
Not bullshit democracy
I want total liberty
I want peace and anarchy

They tell us how to act and be
Fuck that mental slavery
With standards and authority
How can you think you're really free?
Be proud that you're a white Amerikkkan 
Blonde hair, blue eyes - a fine new aryan 
Supremacy's the white man's burden

A final solution for the new aryans 
Death to the nazis and the ku klux klan!
Anarchy in the fatherland!

Anarchy for the new aryans
No master race is gonna rule this land!

New order?
No order!
New order?
No order!
Disorder now!

The way it gets an audience is through adoption by some “larger” people, like but not limited to snowden.

Those people start mirroring their twitter on masto, and eventually start mirroring masto on the twitter, then the next time there’s a musk fit they have a place to go ready and can post “due to the actions of this site’s owner, this profile will cease posting. If you wish to continue following me I’ll still be posting on masto.”

People don’t switch now because Ryan Reynolds isn’t on masto yet and what he says is paramount to their survival, once he switches they safely can. (Disclaimer: the use of Ryan Reynolds is purely sardonic, could have used Taylor Swift or whatever hot star of the day you choose.)

Well actually he was otw to south america iirc when the US revoked his passport stranding him in Russia, so technically they were the American Government’s choices.

Tbf that’s more of an apple fanboy thing (though apple created, encouraged, and exploited that as an advertising technique, it’s an extension of iPods and their “white headphone cord”).

Basically apple cultists judge you as less than because you’re too poor to afford an iphone and use android instead.

Apple is actually just a really good marketing company that hawks mediocre tech, not a mediocre tech company with a really good marketing team.

Price is indeed part of it. If I’m paying that much I’m getting repairable and upgradable hardware.

I also hate their walled garden approach to everything. You can do X so long as apple has decided to allow you to do X. Things like no sideloading, no repair/upgradability, etc. I love Framework for instance and would like to see more stuff like it in the future.

And before you ask, yes I hate the other companies that do it too, they don’t get a pass but we’re talking apple right now.

As far as privacy goes, they’re better than windows imo but not by much and it’s only because windows is so bad, they still harvest your data but they target the ads instead of selling the data so others can target the ads. That is “better.” I guess. I still prefer linux which doesn’t even want your data (except anonymized bug reports if you opt in).

then the risk becomes the latest available jailbroken iOS could be outdated from the real versions

Flipper0: iOS 17 Lockup Crash has entered the chat juuuust to be annoying.

routing all your internet traffic though one company

You mean my ISP which is known to monitor, censor, keep logs, and sell my info or Mullvad who hasn’t been caught doing that yet?

Yes, “and this is one of the limitations,” is what I mean. This isn’t just that one with the pretentious “AI” name, it’s also riseup, disroot, etc.

I wish I could find one that is just a little less ideological. Not that I have a problem with ideologies, but I have trust issues, and I’ve seen some people justify some shit in the name of their ideologies, and as such I don’t fully trust someone with a policy like:

To be hosted on our servers you have to share our principles of anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-transphobia, and anti-militarism. Your projects must as well be based on the same non-commercial nature which keep our project alive, and on the desire to share and experience relationships and struggles, with all the patience it requires.

for instance not to monitor my email to ensure I adhere even when they pinky swear they don’t. Again, not that any of that would apply to me nor that they do spy but just the thought that they may us enough. Before someone says some smartass shit, I’d say the same for the opposite but idk many nazi mail providers.

I guess I’ll have to pay, idk, maybe forward email. I’d pay proton if they’d just let me use imap/pop3 without some stupid “bridge.”

Damn I might have to go back to them. I just want port forwarding, is that so much to ask?!

Do we know which VPNs do have routing guards or an indirection layer? Especially out of the “good” ones; mullvad, proton, air, and IVPN?

Well, my job better not, or they’ll get a letter from their ISP about that torrenting I was actually told I could do when I asked!

I use android I was just wondering when iPhones started letting people sideload. Recently heard they’re making them usbc so I figured maybe it was new.

Oh lol I was like “damn I didn’t think iPhones can sideload, is this some European shit?”


yup and it’s great! Unfortunately there are not good iphone apps that work with omemo encryption.

It’s really lightweight and that’s such a great feeling.


Search fdroid i have heard they some great ones (and used a good one for a very short amount of time).


Fdroid has Iphone stuff now?

They say there’s no good apps for iPhone with OMEMO support, you say try fdroid, I question when fdroid added iPhone apps. It’s all very straight forward, I can’t explain it any better than this.

Lol thanks. I knew I was joking but I also didn’t know the real answer haha.

Quick Detach Organic Light-Emitting Diode?

Idk, but I just picked up a flipper 0 and installed some custom firmware and there’s a u2f app on it. I was wondering what that was, so thanks for the info, but to your question maybe that could be a solution (idk how that app works yet though, maybe not).

From what I hear Edge is so privileged you can’t remove it… well, you kinda just can’t remove it… but even if you can circumvent that the system starts fucking up because it needs it for those OS links.

This has been killing me too. Refuses to stay connected and I haven’t figured out how to run kdeconnect (worked fine with mullvad’s cli command lan set allow, doesn’t work with airvpn’s “allow lan” toggle.)

Because “adversary” is clearly gender neutral and “man” is not, so “man” isn’t able to continue it’s double meaning as being short for “mankind” which itself is short for “humankind,” for fears that it’s exclusionary.

mental illnessed.

You tired buddy? “Most mentally ill” lol.

Oh please let them come, I’ll gladly tell them all about how “Jehovah, or JHVH-1 as WE know him, is no true god but an evil space monster from some corporate sin galaxy sent here to take our SLACK! He’s been fooling them! But J. R. “Bob” Dobbs, High Epopt of The Church of The SubGenius, knows the truth, and he has a plan to save all his followers from certain death come X-Day. We’ll all be Ruptured up into the PleasureSaucers for orgies with the alien sex goddesses and the MWOWM machine will make our every possible desires true. You want that lost comic collection back? Want revenge on that one priest? Well “Bob” will give it to ya, young evangelist, here, take this pamphlet to get you started…”

You should probably just always assume that unless you are literally paying a lawyer you’ve contacted. Tbh, it’d be better for a lawyer to delineate that they are one specifically in their comment due to the fact that statistically most people are in fact not lawyers.

Also use a privacy oriented web browser that signs you out each time, something like mule for android or librewolf for desktops.

Well, FB does have a .onion…

Seeing as this was posted in c/privacy, I believe the intent was rather to say “actually that whole ‘nothing to hide nothing to fear’ premise government espionage programs enjoy thrusting on their citizens is patently bullshit, and they know it, as despite saying it to you while spying on you they make it illegal to spy on them.

Suppressors aren’t movie quiet, they just bring down the noise to make it hearing safe.

This leads me to wonder, would a suppressor actually trick these machines, does it have to be supersonic to pick it up?

And, what happens when someone near a sensor needs a new roof? Roofers constantly harassed by cops? “Not allowed to use .22 cal nail guns?” Would this thing not pick up Ramsets?

Ah yeah well that’d def be an issue for US people. They look good though if we could get them lol, hopefully they’ll make it to the US and get graphene soon!

Good to know for sure. I confuse the fairs/librems/pines sometimes, are the fairphones the ones that are hard to get in the US? Iirc the librem is the expensive one and the pine is the kinda not as good one, but I can’t remember if it was the fairs or the librems that were hard to get in US.

Hopefully they get graphene working on it soon, that’d be awesome. Turns out it’s a bit more than just the bootloader that they consider however: https://grapheneos.org/faq#future-devices so looks like I was only partially correct lol.

The issue is that Pixels are one of the only manufacturers that lets you install a custom ROM and re-lock your bootloader, which is an important security feature. Afaik only pixels and xaomi can do that, so they could expand it a bit, but tbh if those are my two options I’ll take the pixel.

If you don’t care about relocking your bootloader just use lineageOS or eOS, they aren’t as secure, but if you don’t want/need it to be as secure they do exist as options.

Edit: Relocking and https://grapheneos.org/faq#future-devices my mistake

Well thanks for the info! I’ll prob try this route.

Alright I’ll probably go this route, is there a recommended wireguard client for fedora you’re aware of by chance? Dnf search shows a wireguard-tools.x86_64 unless another I can get an .rpm for elsewhere is better.

Some questions for the AirVPN users (on linux)
I'm running out of mullvad in 23hr, and I'm excited to have port forwarding back! Hit a small snag though: I have the acct and have Eddie running on my phone as I type this, however when it comes to my Fedora install I'm paralyzed by choice. Should I install: 1. Eddie GUI, 2. Eddie CLI, 3. both those, 4. or "Suite - based on our own AirVPN OpenVPN 3 library?" I'm pretty comfortable with CLI especially if there's docs (actually prefer it typically), so that isn't really my concern. I'd like wireguard though which I'm not sure if "suite" yet supports, and port forwarding is the most important (slsk) so that would sway my decision as well (if it's only working on Eddie gui or something, for instance.) My other main concern is I want the ability to auto connect to the VPN during the bootstrap, which "Suite" says it can do with bluetit, but idk if eddie CLI or GUI can do it. Would it be worth it to ditch wireguard until Suite supports it in favor of the bootstrap connection? Any info at all that y'all have on these clients would be much appreciated, thank you.

Away from any bloodtos, don’t want any beef.

“Kali is pretty cool but overkill for most uses.”

The part we’re leaving out for some reason is that they were built for specific uses, not as a daily driver.