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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Incredibly dark. That’s a harrowing read. Why do UK citizens allow this? I had always seen them as a mix of ‘ard’ and ‘smart as hell’. But this. This just shames them.

True that. Google are starting the big crack down.

I personally feel these are the end days of what’s left of the freedom internet.

Until platforms like Lemmy and mastadon and tools like blender, godot, etc etc, take over every aspect of the commercial systems, then we’re beholden to the corporates.

We need to evolve, and move on.

That’s not what this is about. It’s about Apple controlling it so heavily, that nobody can compete. Do you see any other Tap n Pay apps other than Apple Pay, for example? Why not? Because Apple are stifling competitors, which is illegal.

You get to fuck room service? Where do you stay?!

I certainty hope so. If not, I’m out. I’ll make my own with another system, or just Django something up

Valve made the steam deck to encourage other device makers to follow suite.

They’re trying to bootstrap a new market segment. They don’t actually want to be a hardware company. They want to sell games. Lots, and lots of games.

They’re providing all they can to help other manufacturers come onboard, so they can sell games, and make wads of sweet cash.

They never hid it. They were clear about it from the start.

The deck is a proof of concept for the industry to follow.

Dark business. Why are the Brits so happy to just sit back and let this happen.

You’re correct. There needs to be a balance. What if someone starts posting say sleazy creep photos of ladies etc? What then? You can’t leave it there. The poor ladies are being sexually assaulted in a way. That content has to come down, and fast. Self hosting is the way to go. You can then have the freedom, and face the responsibility.

Syncthing has sharing links?!?! I use it on an my devices, I had no idea.

There are many requests to get them to sync, and I believe that eventually, it will happen.

This is a frustration. I’m sure there’s a fork with play lists. One second…

No. I am sorry. I must be wrong. It might have been a newpipe fork.

How about sell out in Australia. I mean it’ll be 2 years old before we know it, and will we want one then?

I hope this is true, as I’m going to test that water soon. I’ll not purchase, and I’ll let them know why.

Thank you. I found this post disrespectful, and insulting. Valve have started contributing to a long running project. Which is great, but there has been tremendous work over the years before valve, and even still

I’m as dead centre as it gets. On some topics, I’ll gently lean left or right, but try to be balanced in my analysis of things.

I advocate for cash, as I also advocate for privacy. It doesn’t make me far right.

There are plenty of reasons for cash. For me, it’s privacy. For others, I’m sure there are some solid, and some whacky reasons also.

The real issue for me will be the digital dollar. Every dollar will be tracked through every transaction it’s ever involved in. From inception into eternity. The ability for that data to be abused is terrifying.

I’ll keep using cash as long as it exists compared to what’s coming with the digital dollar.

An interesting and mammoth project. This should in theory, keep a lot of old software alive in the future. Is that its purpose?

Brilliant, thank you for this dark information. I appreciate the effort

Because they’ll simply be here to mine data, monitor and somehow monitise it.

I’m a 4 year user, but will cancel. Their app in just non stop abusing my phone’s notification system to try and upsell their other products. This is MY phone, not their personal marketing billboard.