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  • 3 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 21, 2021


I actually had them install Ubuntu Christian Edition and showed them the bible apps where they could even use their own interpretation of the bible.

I don’t like to waste my time just to fuck with people, I usually try to fuck with people in a way which benefits society as a whole.

You can use ungoogled Chromium within firejail to have better performance than a VM.

It’s a bit annoying to see every miniscule release here. People who want to subscribe to that can actually subscribe on Github and otherwise I’d be fine if these kinds of announcement posts are posted when there are big changes to not clutter the community.

let people use what they want. If they want to use Manjarno and reset their clocks because of expired certificates every other year, so be it. But don’t be elitist about it. Same goes for the usage of the puke emoji.

Try the program CoreCtrl, IMHO it works quite well and is easy to use.

Yeah, it’s just the spec, not a finished implementation.

What is the point in using a car if it has GPS, but no internal cameras or microphones? Metadata is dangerous, but far from the only kind of data.

GrapheneOS is constantly being showboated by Ed Snowden which is a red flag and I did experience app contamination on it.

Can you elaborate on that or link to any information on this?

You’re now on at least one watchlist for knowing what puts you on a watchlist.

When I run it with the following Steam launch options:

DRI_PRIME=0 DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME=7800 DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%

Satisfactory seems to somewhat reliably get the correct GPU, but not 100% of the time. The filter part I had to get from DRI_PRIME=0 vulkaninfo | grep "deviceName". You can apparently also use DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="AMD Radeon RX".

Running Steam games on the correct dGPU with DRI_PRIME environment variable
I added the following to the launch options in Steam: ``` DRI_PRIME=0 DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command% ``` ID 0 is my dedicated GPU (displayed as AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT), ID 1 my internal GPU (just displayed as AMD Radeon Graphics; it's in an AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D). However, the game (in this case Satisfactory, an Unreal Engine 5 game) still runs on GPU 1, the iGPU. Even when I edit the Steam .desktop launcher file to run the command like this: - Environment variables: `DRI_PRIME=0` - Executable: `/usr/bin/steam-native` - Arguments: `%U` It still gets started on the wrong GPU with obviously abysmal performance. How do I fix this?

Brainwashing is also a form of education.

I don’t know, because I don’t know where you live. I kind of want to assume you’re Murican, since they have no idea that there are other countries where you can vote.

so in fact, you basically can make new rules as you like in terms of service. There are boundaries what is okay and what isn’t, but companies try to break those boundaries time and time again.

contrary to popular belief, people and corporations regularly break boundaries and laws to see what they can get away with.

It’s been shown to increase chance of pedophilic abuse.

Can you link me a source for that, please?

or maybe they just like having fun while playing games. Did that occur to you?

Me neither, but the few people who went through 90min of intense battle while being team players deserve a friend request.

Maybe you need to register with their NickServ first? Which network is it? Did you read their help pages?

Looks like a genuine font rendering bug I’d report against WINE or another software you’re using to be honest.

Okay, which settings specifically replace these extensions? They usually also have a nice GUI with validation which is a better UX than editing text files and checking if it works by yourself.

You can choose which to keep in the web interface. That’s a feature preventing data loss. You can choose to just delete all of these files but that would mean Syncthing might use the wrong data.

Why not use the better product? Resilio was one of the inspirations IIRC. Syncthing became really good a while ago, I never had data loss with it after they 1.0d it.

*I want this to last a long time, 10 years should be easy.


Good “budget” gaming laptops are still about $2000. If you buy a good used laptop and a low range gaming PC you pay the same but don’t have to lug around a 3kg laptop with loud fans and lots of heat output, bad battery life and next to no repairability, just to still have less FPS than a similarly priced PC+laptop combo.

Hyundai’s privacy policy says, for example, that they can share data with law enforcement and governments based on “formal or informal” requests.

Wow. Informal requests means that someone just has to pretend they’re a LEO and Hyundai might share the information.

There is no such thing as a budget gaming laptop. Usually you’re better off getting a Steam Deck or a PC and a laptop.

seems like it fixed the Lemmy thread, thank you :)

screenshot where it shows the edited title