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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


ISPs weren’t selling it then. Now its part of their business model. That’s an important difference.

this witch has made the incantation invisible!

After something awful happens to them, they aren’t interested in leading it either*

There are definitely things wrong with collecting PII that could put your customer at risk of identity theft if you dont have a good reason to collect such data

I can’t understand why KYC is needed.

Hetzner requires KYC. Far from privacy respecting

Yes, but make sure you buy from a manufacturer that has their scientific test data publiahed publicly. Not all wallets shield equally. Many do nothing. I recommend buying from Proxy Store. They have a good selection of wallets.


Misinformation. Tests show its better to use ridgid metal.

Personally I think its better to just drill a hole in thr antenna and pay by chip

The app NFSee works great. Some of my cards just straight up give the credit card number out wirelessly :facepalm:

Damn I didn’t hate on brave before for all the dumb crypto hate, but this is fuuucked

Please update the post with the transcript, add a link to the source page where the text appears, dont do this again, and let others know.

Let’s maintain the quality of this comm.

And that’s why there’s so many supply chain vulnerabilities in servers now

I use chameleon to change my user agent every 60 seconds. Its just one of many tools that I think are important to protect your privacy in the web browser.

Please dont post pictures of text without transcribing the text.

Police often pay data brokers for getting data on people; its easier than getting a warrant from a judge. Its often the same private companies that KYC companies use.

Most international* airports collect facial recognition data now. Private companies get it from social media or news articles or public mugshot data. Its possible to keep your facial data private, but it’s extremely unlikely.

I think what you want is about:blank. It contains a list of all the websites without cookie, auth, and pay walls

They’re not asking you. They’re asking the companies

The real solution is for companies to ask for the name of the officer, and then go to the official police website, call their non emergency number, and ask to speak with the officer. Then confirm that it was them, in fact, that sent the request.

Bonus: then tell them to get a fucking warrant and hang up the phone.

I support this. Honestly its foolish to install closed-source apps that have access to your finances. Better to install from f-droid anyway.

Google should ban all finance apps from Google Play

Shouldn’t there be two devices? One NAS in the closet and a box at every TV to connect to it? What’s the simple box to connect to the NAS streaming service?

What if the processing is done locally and the only thing they send back home is keywords for marketable products?

I, umm, this is good news. For project doing their job at keeping us safe.

The eIDAS regulation makes an enormous change by mandating man-in-the-middle attack technology that it would be illegal for browser makers to defend against

How would this law affect websites with Onion Services (eg Facebook) that don’t use http at all, but Tor’s internal pinned end-to-end encryption with a pinned certificate tied to the .onion name?

These companies sometimes list their own movies on torrent sites and then record everyone who downloaded it from them. So, yes, they can see what you download if you don’t mask your IP through some proxy.

Depends where it sends the data. An encrypted email should be fine

Which country? All countries I know about like this allow hardware tokens as an alternative to a smartphone with a TPM

Nope. Never needed it. Just dont use that crap.

I wouldn’t put anything financial on a phone, anyway. Use a secure laptop for that.

Why? By default gapps doesn’t come with ROMs. Its usually more work to install gapps.

Get a used pixel for $100. Factory reset on arrival, and install Graphene OS. Do not install gapps.

My point is you shouldn’t make assumptions. Just because you can’t track all of my activity doesn’t mean I’m a bot.