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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I’m not sure you know the definition of “selling out”

Edit: spelling

Oh, I use onlyoffice, it was just a silly joke that they weren’t mentioned :)

I agree. I do trust session as well, even if their “marketing” on mastodon is rather unprofessional.

It does however hurt serious actors when they get mentioned on sites that spam and claim to be serious like the one you mentioned. I hope that the mods here will clear up their spam posts

Wasn’t Ghostery bought by a data broker/ad company?

Yeah, it was several years ago, and it looks like they sorted it out at least.

I used Nord when it happened but I didn’t renew after that. In the end, it’s up to each and everyone to trust the companies they pay.

That zero-log thing was not entire true though when they had a leak in a server in Finland or whatever it was?

I’m even slightly confused why people even post links to YouTube in a privacy community. I get that people who try to advertise their own channels would do it, but why aren’t people at least posting an invidious instance link to it?

I feel this is the most common misunderstanding regarding privacy.

Basically, however boring or overwhelming it may seem, you need to figure out the threat model before doing (almost) anything.