X's privacy policy confirms it will use public data to train AI models | TechCrunch
X's recently updated privacy policy informed its users it would now collect biometric data as well as users' job and education history, Bloomberg spotted

Big techs’ have forgotten that social media is for people to interact and connect.

Our data belongs to us, and no one has the right to use it without permission.


It’s going to end up similar as when an AI was trained on 4chan. Mega racist and homophobic but also hyper sensitive because its Twitter (not gonna call it the new name)

Great idea. Trainning an AI model on twitter totaly didn’t go terribly wrong the last time it was tried. /s

If the data is public, can’t anyone use it to train anyway? (besides rate limits to get the actual data, of course)

I’m still calling it twitter

I call it Xitter (pronounced as Shitter)

I see this as a challenge to the fediverse? Our platforms are open and amenable to being used for AI training. Mastodon is full of human made image descriptions, some of them quite detailed.

Does the fediverse want to do anything different? Closed / private / human only spaces?


It’s more like a non-privacy policy and should be called that.

It’s gonna be the dumbest AI in human history


Yea, but it would be good at right-wing slogans and racial slurs.

“xAI”. The success of this AI will be measured whether it changes its name or not.

Joke’s on them, I never made a single post.

Twitter was shit from the very beginning.

An AI model trained on posts from Nazis. What can go wrong?

Headline: Cyber Hitler Bans Jews from the Internet!

that’s just the latest twitter news in a few months


deleted by creator

“Just public data, not DMs or anything private,” huh?

Obviously Elon Musk considers everything we post on Twitter as his personal wealth… It’s true though, since all our personal data is stored on his servers, and he can scrape whatever he wants.

It’s time to step into a decentralized peer-to-peer social media where we will no longer be exploited by Twitter, Facebook, or whatever platform, and there are no more central servers to gather your data without consent.


True, and Anonymity is important as well, I am suppose to recommend Mastodon, etc. But they do require Email address as an identity verification.

Nostr https://www.nostrapps.com/ or WireMin http://wiremin.org/

Both of them are decentralized social media, and does not require personal info to register.

Well not really. You are very welcome to set up your own instance and own your data.

Some measure of accountability for getting an account needs to be kept in my opinion. Pure anonymity lends itself to things like 4Chan emerging, which is an intersting place to be sure but not exactly conducive to a reasoned discussion. Pretty hard to send some pictures to aunt judy if everyone is just anon.

Go ahead, train on me not writing a single thing and just retweeting exclusively Pokémon drawings from Japanese artists.

How useful would an AI model be if it were trained on the content from a social media platform full of nazis, russian trolls, and bots?

I knew that there were never any Russian trolls on Twitter, and that Twitter has often hinted at its users worshipping and never criticising NATO, and that Snowden’s leaks told us Twitter was deep in with US government, NOT Russian government.

So why do USA trolls often claim lies about the existence of Russian trolls on Twitter, which was debunked last year? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28vylXZvec4

Hey! You must be new to the internet. Here’s a tip:

Just because someone says something is debunked - even if that someone had a YouTube channel with a ton of followers - doesn’t mean it’s actually debunked. People do, in fact, just go on the internet and tell lies, and it’s pretty common.

What I posted is not a “YouTube” source, but an easy way that gives context around the actual source, and it allowing in turn to search the actual source of information easily.

Consider that other people can be older than you, and that information may not be presented in the singular form or method that you approve of.

Seeing someone imply that older users want their news and information parsed by YouTube personalities is wild. That’s quite an assertion.

Grayzone is not a YouTube e-celeb personality. They are an anti-imperialist journalistic news outlet.

Oh, that’s not what I’m saying.

I’m saying you’re spreading nonsense propaganda and are pushing an agenda that effectively enables Russian military adventurism and imperialism/nationalism, and I’m calling you out on it. I was just being a bit oblique about it. But I can be direct, too.

Too bad the facts are not on your side. And you are simply pushing a neoliberal agenda meant to invent a Russian boogeyman, when none existed ever on Twitter.

If facts mean “enabling” Russian military instead of lies “enabling” American military-media complex to fool its citizen voters every few years of this imaginary Russian or Chinese or North Korean boogeymen, then I am happy to “enable” the Russian military. USA is the source of lies, and you, the useful idiot. I can be straight and very blunt if one likes it that way.

I am not insinuating that the US is some paragon of virtue and blameless, nor was I trying to.

I am saying that you’re falling into the same trap you’re trying to say I fell into, only from the other side.

But from the looks of your second paragraph, you’re just a tankie, so this conversation is clearly not going to go anywhere.

Trying to imitate the persona of a rational intellectual, while downvoting, and then in the same breath calling people “tankie” just makes you look like the average pseudo-intellectual hipster. Not a very helpful way to determine who and who not to give advice to, and certainly not a way to sound credible or grounded.

“Both sides” is just a cheapshot fence sitter tactic to look good, but functionally achieves nothing and benefits no one.

bot account

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

Didn’t we kinda see this happen already? I don’t remember which product it was. Was it one of Microsofts trial runs?


it was Tay. She went super fuckin racist.

Oh yeah, that’s the one. Who could’ve seen this coming, right?


haha yeah. I can only imagine what an AI trained on twitter would be like. Way worse than Tay I think.

Worse in the insidiously-pushing-dark-agendas manner for sure, and an altogether much greater threat to humanity. It couldn’t match Tay for straight up insane evil— she was loudly supporting eugenics and more— but that makes it more dangerous.


I guess…full of sh*t.

bot account

This is the best summary I could come up with:

As Ivanovs points out, X owner Elon Musk has ambitions to enter the AI market with another company, xAI.

This leads him to theorize that Musk likely intends to use X as a source of data for xAI — and perhaps Musk’s recent tweet encouraging journalists to write on X was even an attempt to generate more interesting and useful data to feed into the AI models.

In fact, Musk has previously stated that xAI would use “public tweets” to train its AI models, so this is not much of a leap.

Musk also filed suit against unknown entities for scraping Twitter data, which also may have been for the purpose of training artificial intelligence large language models.

Musk essentially confirmed the privacy policy change, responding to a post on X to clarify that the plan is to use “just public data, not DMs or anything private.”

X no longer responds to press requests with a poop emoji as it had following Musk’s takeover of the social network.

The original article contains 399 words, the summary contains 168 words. Saved 58%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

Wow they chose to semi-hijack a common acronym for explainable AI (XAI), for a new company that’s likely unethical. Why do companies do this, hijacking existing words with benevolent meanings then eventually dirty them?

It’s called marketing, and it’s cancer

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