X's privacy policy confirms it will use public data to train AI models | TechCrunch
X's recently updated privacy policy informed its users it would now collect biometric data as well as users' job and education history, Bloomberg spotted

Big techs’ have forgotten that social media is for people to interact and connect.

Our data belongs to us, and no one has the right to use it without permission.

Hey! You must be new to the internet. Here’s a tip:

Just because someone says something is debunked - even if that someone had a YouTube channel with a ton of followers - doesn’t mean it’s actually debunked. People do, in fact, just go on the internet and tell lies, and it’s pretty common.

What I posted is not a “YouTube” source, but an easy way that gives context around the actual source, and it allowing in turn to search the actual source of information easily.

Consider that other people can be older than you, and that information may not be presented in the singular form or method that you approve of.

Seeing someone imply that older users want their news and information parsed by YouTube personalities is wild. That’s quite an assertion.

Grayzone is not a YouTube e-celeb personality. They are an anti-imperialist journalistic news outlet.

Oh, that’s not what I’m saying.

I’m saying you’re spreading nonsense propaganda and are pushing an agenda that effectively enables Russian military adventurism and imperialism/nationalism, and I’m calling you out on it. I was just being a bit oblique about it. But I can be direct, too.

Too bad the facts are not on your side. And you are simply pushing a neoliberal agenda meant to invent a Russian boogeyman, when none existed ever on Twitter.

If facts mean “enabling” Russian military instead of lies “enabling” American military-media complex to fool its citizen voters every few years of this imaginary Russian or Chinese or North Korean boogeymen, then I am happy to “enable” the Russian military. USA is the source of lies, and you, the useful idiot. I can be straight and very blunt if one likes it that way.

I am not insinuating that the US is some paragon of virtue and blameless, nor was I trying to.

I am saying that you’re falling into the same trap you’re trying to say I fell into, only from the other side.

But from the looks of your second paragraph, you’re just a tankie, so this conversation is clearly not going to go anywhere.

Trying to imitate the persona of a rational intellectual, while downvoting, and then in the same breath calling people “tankie” just makes you look like the average pseudo-intellectual hipster. Not a very helpful way to determine who and who not to give advice to, and certainly not a way to sound credible or grounded.

“Both sides” is just a cheapshot fence sitter tactic to look good, but functionally achieves nothing and benefits no one.

You’re pushing apologist narratives that are friendly to China (a current and ongoing perpetrator of ethnic cleansing within their own borders), Russia (a historical, current, and ongoing perpetrator of ethnic cleansing and genocide within and outside of its own borders, and the aggressor in the Ukrainian War), and North Korea (a totalitarian pariah state), all because those three nations have a vague historical connection to Marxist-Leninist politics (which, pointedly, they’re very, VERY far removed from these days). That’s what “being a tankie” is.

You are pushing propagandist US military narratives that advocate for the genocide, destruction and dehumanisation of US “enemy” States like China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and so on. You have precisely zero understanding of socialist history and are a malicious Western propagandist who wants to use ad hominems and paint others in a negative coat of paint and and desire to argue in bad faith against Marxists.

For this reason, I will take the liberty of temp banning you, not for a personal disagreement, but for politicising others in a bad faith and malicious manner, and for using the “tankie” word to harass people.

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