won’t answer to: lemmygrad, hexbear, conservatives, pawb, yiffit, comfysnug, fanaticus and anything with .ru/ua

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


There isn’t [other popular media sharing platform] because we keep hanging on to the same thing over and over again. No chance given to any other platform. This is true for all, myself included. (Maybe Peertube?)

Data breaches where my information was leaked and used against me. I didn’t know any better unfortunately at the time.

wOn’T sOmEbOdY pLeAsE tHiNk oF ThE cHiLdReN- how about doing some actual parenting? also it’s not like this will stop illegal content, what a joke

It’s going to end up similar as when an AI was trained on 4chan. Mega racist and homophobic but also hyper sensitive because its Twitter (not gonna call it the new name)

Not surprised. Anything you see online is being fed to some garbage AI. Either they say it or they don’t say anything and scrape it anyway

Mental health too, because it makes you an easier prey to advertise to and rip you off if they know your issues