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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


American companies avoiding taxes by apparently existing entirely in foreign PO Boxes.

Haven’t some instances started blocking VPN traffic after the CSAM incident(s)?

“we are in the early stages of monetizing our user base,”

If anyone on Reddit reads that and stays there willingly they are an idiot. Not they weren’t idiots for staying after the API changes but now they are even bigger idiots.

You either get paid in cash or get physical checks and cash them.

Yes. While my subscription list is fairly large I watch an incredibly small portion of the videos any of the creators make so when I do I give a thumbs up to it.

I concur. Once I’m dead I give zero shits who looks at what on my devices. Have a blast folks.

I’ll be a bit sad if YT becomes unwatchable without blocking ads but I’ll get over it and watch something else somewhere else. Same as I did with Reddit.

We should but we won’t. Same with Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc. Gotta keep a foot in the shitpie we made of the Middle East to make sure the oil flows.

I can only hope a similar law passes elsewhere or devices that comply with them are easily importable.

Anything that can turn it’s head that far should never be trusted. Shifty bastards.

On another post about this someone said the closed beta for Mac is next then after the Mac version is done they will start on a Linux version. So it will happen just not now.

Looking at the pricing the 3tb family package actually seems fairly reasonable considering what you get. Which appears to be every service Proton offers and 3tb of cloud storage.