X's privacy policy confirms it will use public data to train AI models | TechCrunch
X's recently updated privacy policy informed its users it would now collect biometric data as well as users' job and education history, Bloomberg spotted

Big techs’ have forgotten that social media is for people to interact and connect.

Our data belongs to us, and no one has the right to use it without permission.

Some measure of accountability for getting an account needs to be kept in my opinion. Pure anonymity lends itself to things like 4Chan emerging, which is an intersting place to be sure but not exactly conducive to a reasoned discussion. Pretty hard to send some pictures to aunt judy if everyone is just anon.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

In this community everyone is welcome to post links and discuss topics related to privacy.

Some Rules

  • Posting a link to a website containing tracking isn’t great, if contents of the website are behind a paywall maybe copy them into the post
  • Don’t promote proprietary software
  • Try to keep things on topic
  • If you have a question, please try searching for previous discussions, maybe it has already been answered
  • Reposts are fine, but should have at least a couple of weeks in between so that the post can reach a new audience
  • Be nice :)

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