*In terms of privacy, customisation, camera quality, and battery time.

For the longest time I have only used either iPhone or Samsung. I plan on switching to Android for the next phone I get, but I find that Samsung phones are often too big for me and put too much energy on camera quality (I don’t take many photos). I have started to look into brands such as Nokia and Motorola, and I would like to know what you guys think of them. Additionally, do you suggest any other phone brands aside from them? My biggest priorities are privacy and long battery time. Bonus if the phone can run LineageOS (I have excluded Graphene as they are only compatible with Pixel phones).

Thank you for any answers. Cheers!


HTC (Wildfire, Desire Z, [rip!]), Samsung (they are/were easy to flash; S3, S5, S7, A5 2017).
I once had Nexus 5 (by LG [rip!]) - I was disappointed, poor quality.

Nowadays, you should have control of a baseband firmware too!
So, looks like the Pixels are the best option.

So I’ve gone back and forth between Apple and Android for the past decade and a half: I currently daily an iPhone 12 mini because I like the UI, size, ease of use, and the fact that I don’t use my phone as a multimedia device. If I could do akin to GrapheneOS or CalyxOS on iPhone I’d stick to it.

In the future once my iPhone breaks or finally becomes obsolete, I intend to go to either a used Pixel or a Fairphone. Both are supported by secure OSs but I also dislike how big both of them are.

TLDR: love iPhones, appreciate Fairphones.

Well Nokia is a no no They don’t allow bootloader unlock, I would recommend that you check which privacy oriented custom ROM you want to install and check the supported phones they have listed and buy one of those models for installing the ROM

The hardware is wholly unremarkable, but the pixel line supports Graphene. Custom Roms are a necessity if you care about privacy even a little bit, but there are other options.

Unfortunately in many places, illegal searches are the rule, not the exception and as such security is almost as critical. If you need security AND privacy there is simply no substitute.

Motorola hardware looks kinda nice though…

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you cannot sell or transfer your unlocked device (in linked legal agreement)

The fuck? There’s no way they can forbid doing that, right? Video game publishers would be all over that with physical discs to make it the same as for digital releases.

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Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

here’s a Louis Rossmann rant about Lenovo/Motorola sucking

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.

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Not under your specs but the Sony Xperia line offers a headphone jack + microSD, can be unlocked, & has flagship specs (1 & 5). The 5 & 10 models are also smaller devices that actually fit in one hand too. This characteristic combo does not come in the other models folks are suggesting. Older models have LineageOS for microG support if you want an ungoogled phone (but beware the stock camera app is trash).

i loved my XZ2 Compact SO MUCH and then all the carriers in my country simultaneously dropped voice calling support for it. i’m still so salty

Because we need innovation, even if we got on just fine then

For Privacy?

Not e2ee. Can be tapped.

Only with physical access, which nowaday nobody does.

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I wouldn’t put it past an insurance company.

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i daily a Fairphone 4, has neither the best camera nor the best battery life. but it’s the most repairable and durable phone i’ve owned.

i’ve had extremely good experieces with oneplus phones, dunno about custom ROM support though.

i’ve also heard good things about modern motorola phones, if the ROM support is there it’s worth a shot imo.

OnePlus 6 and 6T had really broad custom Rom support, it is till now one of the best Phones for linux(pmOS) With some Roms you can even relock the bootloader

I am currently using my almlst 6 year old oneplus6 with lineage OS without any real issues

Did you tried DivestOS? Its my favorite Rom for the op6

Might try it after getting lineage os on my redmi note12 in the next few days. The old battery just kinda does not last long anymore.

Samsung Ultra all the way. It has top of the world hardware, software support

AND I can customize my phone the way I want.

I focus on the OS. However, I like the moto phones. I’ve had mine for 5 or 6 years and I don’t have any reason to change.

Sony. They still have a headphone jack.

Also asus (at least zenphone)

Headphone Jack club

I like fairphone the best out of all the ones that are currently available, however, my next phone will be a Pixel 8A because grapheneos doesn’t support fairphone

Also no plans to support it. It meets their requirement of long support.

Me too fairphone for the repairability of it and long update support.


Fairphone 4 user here, i love it. but ghost touch keeps coming back, i’m on my second screen now.

Same problem with ghost touch here lol


they’ll send you a replacement, but they take weeks to reply


If privacy is important, a custom ROM is highly recommended or rather mandatory. Most brands have locked boot loader which can’t be unlocked immediately without voiding warranty. Some let you to using some bs proprietary software but only after few months. That was the only reason I had to resort to getting a pixel. So look into all the brands available to you and check their policy on custom rooms before looking into the mobile themselves.

adb debloating is adequate.
there may be additional steps for LOS privacy.

If you don’t remove play service and shit without being unable to use payment apps and other shut, it’s not gonna work for majority. Those are worst offenders that have to be removed for privacy.


The mod on this post is on such a humongous power trip lmao. Someone needs a reality check and a few slaps.


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“So you really believe that Graphene thing is the only single solution that works to attain mobile privacy and security? You believe that braindead fearmongering propagandistic bullshit? ADB developer commands, firewalls and app permissions are all worthless?”

What are you talking about? We can’t see those arguments because a mod removed them. Are you that mod? All I can see now is a one sided discussion and assume someone’s feelings got hurt. Silencing opposition by stomping ideas out doesn’t convince anyone of anything.

If you believe in Lemmy, let the comments and voting do the work. We don’t need the thought police enforcing their views.


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Ethics? You’re not ethical, you just got a mod position, let it get to your head à la Stanford experiment, and now no matter what others say if you dislike it you can silence them at no consequences to yourself.

You’re the furthest thing from ethical. You’re delusional, and still on that power trip high.

I actually didn’t give a damn about GrapheneOS, until you banned all mentions of it. Look up the Streisand effect, it’ll do you good. Instead of perpetuating a fascist censor of someone else’s free speech.

bot account

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

and here’s a Louis Rossmann video showing how toxic that individual can be

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.

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Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

and here’s a Louis Rossmann video showing how toxic that individual can be

see Louis Rossmann walk back his support for Lenovo here

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub.

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