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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


If you don’t remove play service and shit without being unable to use payment apps and other shut, it’s not gonna work for majority. Those are worst offenders that have to be removed for privacy.

If privacy is important, a custom ROM is highly recommended or rather mandatory. Most brands have locked boot loader which can’t be unlocked immediately without voiding warranty. Some let you to using some bs proprietary software but only after few months. That was the only reason I had to resort to getting a pixel. So look into all the brands available to you and check their policy on custom rooms before looking into the mobile themselves.

Well it is on beta so hopefully it gets better soon but I have found it to be good enough personally

Luckily I have a pixel with GrapheneOS so I have a dedicated profile for banking apps with sandboxed google play service but the downside is I have a pixel. I also know some payment apps that doesn’t rely on play service but that depends on where you live and how the payments work there so gl.

I have a degoogle device and I get it from fdroid or similar repos which are infinitely more trustworthy than whatever google is peddling but up to you to decide what goes on your mobile.

It still works but most importantly I couldn’t find anything better. Even if the app is updated moving or recreating the database is a much harder task.

I am using Yet Another Call Blocker. Although the number base isn’t as extensive as true caller but it’s pretty much expected for any of the good alternatives.

Oh I am aware but I was replying to him asking other alternatives to google android, not op. I wanted any mobile that let’s me degoogle it on day 1 without voiding warranty and it ended up being a google mobile.

Its funny that I was forced to buy a google pixel just to avoid google. Wish more companies here allow people to unlock bootloader on the mobile they own.

Not arguing against the logic but it very much is a disappointing click bait

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but look it up yourself if you actually don’t know

Pixel is stock android and is guaranteed to not have bloat unless some carrier is involved in it. Whenever anyone here suggests pixel they are definitely doing it for custom ROM like grapheneos and its pointless to buy otherwise.

People or rather I didn’t buy pixel as its more privacy friendly but its the only one available here that let’s me install another ROM on day 1 without voiding warranty. And grapheneos being one of the best privacy focused ROM only available for pixel and that pretty much every ROM is available on pixel is another reason. I was basically forced into buying a google product as everyone else void warranty on unlocking boot loader or they don’t have much of a custom ROM scene.

It is also in the works along with auto correct… You really should try the keyboard first before coming to that conclusion. I am not saying it has everything now but don’t assume the developer isn’t planning to add more, that’s not a good assumption.

Well what else do you need tho, it has glide typing, incognito move and auto correct is in development although would take a while. It’s not perfect but it’s already very much a fully decked out keyboard or it will be once suggestions are added.

I used to but now that I switched to freetube and newpipe, not anymore

Those bank apps just need play service if I have to guess. Try installing microg. I am running grapheneos with their sand boxed play service in a separate profile, got some apps to work but not all so give it a shot.

Wasn’t that the guy who stepped down from development entirely because of the backlash? Louis himself is still using it afaik

Is it out for everyone? Last time I checked it said coming soon and I ended up getting anonaddy instead.

Tutanota is nice and a bit cheaper too. A bit limited in features compared to proton but I still like it.

As in clearing space and simply off the list? Idk what else you are expecting…

Adb commands can uninstall them instead of just disabling them, thats why you should try it

That doesnt really stop them tho, they can still find a way to format it and sell it. Maybe some models can require password for reset but there must be one way or another to do it for doing necessary repairs.

Pretty sure every single mobile has a key combination to power off and recovery when your display or touch isnt working properly. At least its the case for my samsung m51.