If you’re reading this, take a deep dive into a sea of shit.

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2023


Ethics? You’re not ethical, you just got a mod position, let it get to your head à la Stanford experiment, and now no matter what others say if you dislike it you can silence them at no consequences to yourself.

You’re the furthest thing from ethical. You’re delusional, and still on that power trip high.

I actually didn’t give a damn about GrapheneOS, until you banned all mentions of it. Look up the Streisand effect, it’ll do you good. Instead of perpetuating a fascist censor of someone else’s free speech.

The mod on this post is on such a humongous power trip lmao. Someone needs a reality check and a few slaps.

Repeating yourself there buddy? Should probably get your head checked. Maybe if you stopped licking cop boot that would give you time to take some meds.

Thinking people “use” a website and don’t “use” a browser lmao. Were you hit on the head a lot as a baby? Tagged as mentally challenged 👆.

Begging for donations smh. If something deserved donations it wouldn’t need beg campaigns.

I’m using Blokada. Would you consider Adguard to be better? And if so could you explain why? I’m not sure I see the difference.

Blokada, never seen a single ad in any of my apps. It’s a battery hog, but it works like a charm since I can’t get access to my router for a pi-hole.