woman. student of behavioural science 🇸🇪🏴‍☠️ avatar © donnazucoyy

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 03, 2023


I like them. You get 40GB for free, so that’s appreciative. Opening documents can take some time, especially on mobile, but I don’t have any major complaints generally.

Do you know how Filen compares to Nextcloud or Syncthing? It’s definitely confusing to try to navigate in this huge technical world and know what service is the best haha

Hi, thank you for the comment! I’m very interested in those links about getting started with NextCloud. :)

Hi! Thank you so much for the all the links, I really appreciate it. And thank you for introducing me to both Filen and Cryptee. Regarding Filen, I have a question. It says the price for lifetime starter is €30, but are there any other lifetime options (such as for the pro plans) that offer more storage?

ELI5: GrapheneOS questions
edit: thank you all for your replies! They are all very helpful. I am reading through them and will ask follow-up questions if needed. I made a post some days ago asking about LineageOS, but my curiosity towards Google Pixels and GrapheneOS has been growing. As somebody who has always used regular Samsungs and iPhones, I hope somebody can clear up some questions I have regarding this OS. I plan that my next phone is to be either a Motorola (LineageOS/SailfishOS?) or a Pixel (GrapheneOS). My first question about GrapheneOS, or really any non-standard OS, is this: - how does having an account on the device work? For example, Samsungs require a Samsung account and iPhones require an iCloud account. How does it work on non-standard OSes? My second question touches on built-in apps that you often get with every phone: - does GrapheneOS have its own Notes/Drive/Photos/Messages app? If not, how does one go about obtaining these? Related question: - how do I sync my notes/photos/files/etc to the “cloud” of GrapheneOS? My third question regards the app store of GrapheneOS. I have heard that the sandboxed Play Store is better than FDroid, for instance; what are your thoughts? Do I go for Aurora Store instead? Is there any major difference at all? Is it possible to use multiple app stores? - note that I likely won’t be solely relying on FDroid since I need some non-FOSS apps (FB Messenger for contacting family for example). I know that in the privacy community, it’s very common to fix up a cloud of your own (i.e. NextCloud). I have no experience doing this, but is it something I must do when I install atypical OSes? Then comes the question about pricing, how private and secure it really is, which one to choose… and so on. I understand many of these questions will sound stupid to those who are experienced, but I have not been part of this community very long. Feel free to link any educational videos or articles that answer my questions. I hope to learn more about this subject and one day installing a more secure system on my phone. Cheers!

I will read more into this, but it sounds reasonable. If I were to get a Pixel, is there any particular model I should get or does it not matter? Does Graphene support all models?

In that case, would you not recommend Motorola? I’m not very well versed on their terms of privacy, and I really like the way they look and how seemingly good the battery is, but if it’s considered unsafe or full of malware then I might need to look other ways.

What phone brand do you like the best?
*In terms of privacy, customisation, camera quality, and battery time. For the longest time I have only used either iPhone or Samsung. I plan on switching to Android for the next phone I get, but I find that Samsung phones are often too big for me and put too much energy on camera quality (I don’t take many photos). I have started to look into brands such as Nokia and Motorola, and I would like to know what you guys think of them. Additionally, do you suggest any other phone brands aside from them? My biggest priorities are privacy and long battery time. Bonus if the phone can run LineageOS (I have excluded Graphene as they are only compatible with Pixel phones). Thank you for any answers. Cheers!

It’s really too bad Graphene doesn’t seem to support Samsung phones, or any phone that isn’t Google.

I remember I tried out Spotube on my computer but the code wouldn’t work. Also a minus it’s not available on iOS. How does Graphene differ from Lineage, in any way that it is preferable?

I’m not educated enough to comment on most of your points, so here is my set-up:

  • Web: Safari on iPhone with Google browser, Firefox + uBlock origin on desktop with Google browser. I had DDG for a while but I missed the short summary answers you get when you type in a question to Google. I am not in a place to pay for a browser (i.e. Kagi).

  • Mobile: iPhone with free tier NextDNS. I am looking into buying a Samsung S9/S10 to install LineageOS on. It’s been a while I used Android so I’m not sure how easy that will be. I store all my passwords in Apple’s “Passwords” in settings, and all of them are 20+ characters long and complex (I use a generator whenever I make a new password). Any suggestions on (free/FOSS) password storers?

  • Messenger: I use Facebook messenger to communicate with my family as only my sister and I have iOS. Furthermore, FB is the only social media I have besides Lemmy.

  • Email: I use ProtonMail but am considering switching to Tutanota. I don’t have the opportunity to pay for a mail provider right now.

  • Music/streaming: I use Spotify for music. I use FreeTube for YT on desktop only. My parents pay for Netflix & HBO and so I watch them sometimes, although I have made it a habit to pirate movies online. Also books. Part of me wants to download my music from Spotify and store it somewhere, but iPhone Drive isn’t the greatest when it comes to that. Maybe somebody has (free/FOSS) suggestions?

  • Misc: I never pay with cash since most stores don’t take it. I use Bluetooth earphones. I don’t game.

Keep in mind I am relatively new to the piracy / privacy community and there’s a lot of terms I don’t know. I hope to improve my privacy and receive advice from more experienced people. Cheers!

How many queries per device on NextDNS?
I’m sorry if this is the wrong community to ask, I couldn’t find answers elsewhere. When you have multiple devices registered to your NextDNS account (i.e. 1 iPhone and 1 Samsung), do all devices get 300 000 queries **each** or do they altogether share 300 000? Thanks for any answers!

This is exactly what my father says whenever I tell him I don’t feel comfortable having a bunch of corporate-owned platforms that eat my data away.