Have any of you heard up Posteo being flagged unprofessional? I recently heard someone say that I am curious if there is truth to it.

As a personal email its just fine. I’ve had people comment on the fact that my “firstname.lastname@posteo.org” made me seem more professional than others using whatever @gmail.com address they could get their hands on.

The Doctor

No, not at all.

That sounds like some often parroted but never actually a thing job hunting advice from the late 90’s.

Emails like user@cocaine.ninja is fine for random internet shitposting, but if I had to use cockmail for anything involving real life responsibilities I’d go for domains like airmail.cc or firemail.cc at registration.

I use one from the first group as my work email 👍

To be honest, I am tempted to use one of the edgier domain names in my CV just to see their reaction. I’m tired of faking everything’s perfect just so the crazies at LinkedIn doesn’t send my cv to trash bin.

Po Tay Toes

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It’s like the green/ blue bubbles thing. Anyone who overemphasizes superficial things like that aren’t worth your time. What matters in a professional environment is the value behind the communique. If the real bill gates messages you from a Hotmail account, you’ld probably want to pay attention.

And delete it asap

Only if he promises to bequeath half of his fortune if you pay a small fee to help him set up a local bank account in your country to move his monies out because he hates Biden.

Posteo is great for business. It’s a professional and competent company that respects your privacy to a good degree, and has a clue about security. In a sense it’s MORE professional than trying to DIY, unless you really know what you’re doing. I would feel encouraged to see a business use Posteo when I receive the email. It tells me that your business probably cares a little about security and/or privacy and possibly the environment too. Total kudos for using Posteo from me.

What I think is completely unprofessional is to use your ISP’s address for business email. The number one unprofessional business move, in my opinion, is to have your business website on Facebook/Meta, Twitter or any other enshitified corporate social media site. You won’t get my business. I’ll go anywhere else no matter how inconvenient.

The number one unprofessional business move, in my opinion, is to have your business website on Facebook/Meta, Twitter or any other enshitified corporate social media site.

Makes sense, but what if I had my website linked to Mastodon, and I had an Onion version as well, and … you can pay me in crypto if you want… 🙂…

How professional do you think that would be ? If at all ?


Fair enough. I could be happy to purchase if given more/better options. In fact, having the ability to do business from different platforms or self host is smart. Not having all your eggs in one basket is preferable. I was speaking more to people/businesses that rely on Facebook as their singular point of business. And my pet peeve that frustrates to the maximum is business support solely on X/Twit - That is so low effort and unprofessional.

I have never once been on Facebook… And I was online a decade before it existed.

Same with Twitter.

In fact, my PiHole blocks both of them.

If you only do business through them, you’re telling me all I need to know about you.

Any idea if Posteo allows their service with your own domain?


Posteo doesn’t, IIRC. But Zoho, for instance, does allows you to use many custom domains and it’s like 10 €/year.

Last time I looked it didn’t -https://posteo.de/en/site/faq. However, Tuta does - https://tuta.com/blog/posts/own-domain-email. To refocus on OP’s question, I would be happy to get a “professional business email” from a Posteo address.

People said Gmail was unprofessional in 2005, don’t worry too much about what business majors think.


It isn’t a good move.

A domain name can cost as little as £10, similarly most email services cost ~£5-£15 per person per month. Its normally pretty easy to link a domain to an email provider and doesn’t cost anything other than time.

If a company can’t be bothered to implement the most basic online branding people will make their assumptions and some will filter your company out because of it. With the cost to implement so low (e.g. £160 per year), even the loss/gain of a single customer would justify it.

Possibly linux

Some people aren’t tech savvy enough to do that. (Think independent contractors or musicians)

That’s great and all, for tech sectors, but I’m not going to judge Joe’s Landscaping or Carol’s Cupcakes for using Gmail and quite frankly Joe and Carol are probably better off missing out on those clients.


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Possibly linux

Yeah its probably better to eat from Joe’s taco shop than it is to go to Freddie’s


It still is.

If there’s one thing the corporate world takes seriously, it’s concerns about the Googleopoly.

Anything beside the own domain is unprofessional, if you run a business.

As an individual i think it speaks for yourself as caring about the environment and privacy.

Possibly linux

I actually don’t care about the environment and I realize email is never going to be private. I like Posteo as it avoids the feature creep.

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