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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


As a personal email its just fine. I’ve had people comment on the fact that my “firstname.lastname@posteo.org” made me seem more professional than others using whatever @gmail.com address they could get their hands on.

I’ve also been using posteo for a long time and I gotta say, if you just want email, calDAV and cardDAV which will work with any email client its great

We are all so happy for you, I’m gonna continue blocking ads and feel good about it.

Daily mail has less credibility than graffiti on a bathroom stall

Nah I didn’t. Have had it for jobs and stuff too. People are usually willing to do email if you ask.

My landlord told me to download WhatsApp and I just said “nah I use email”. Super easy cleared up in 5 seconds.