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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


Librewolf has AppImage on their webpage, too. Does it not fit your use case?

I assume there are more issues preventing them from simply relocating to another hosting?

It can become really messy if one family member deletes a picture by accident and everyone complains. I’d use Syncthing for machines I personally manage.

I used Davmail which acts as a bridge to access Outlook from Thunderbird. There is a thunderbird plugin, but it was paid so I backed out.

Android not having proper permissions back from KitKat era caused a lot of contact lists being leaked like rainwater. I’m still jaded at Google for that one.

Assuming that directors post was real, I am sure she wanted to properly grieve for her husband and have enough time to heal and provide for her children, to tie loose ends and close that chapter of her life in privacy.

But all she had was a sanitized corporate billboard where all she knew was to unconsciously make her post into a self congratulatory advertisement, of a heroic single mother sacrificing her mental health for her work.

It’s all tragic.

Worst of both worlds, the one-upping bootlicking culture, the fear of missing out on job prospects fueled by economic anxiety, with corporate enshittification liberally sprinkled in, all combined into one giant pile of turd.

And I say this as I’m also guilty of having an account on it. I also want to get rid of it, but can’t afford to risk my chances while looking for better jobs. Fuck all this.

It’s better to be proactive than being reactive. Take preventive measures that fit your threat model.

I’m dreading for the day they introduce dynamic pricing based on who’s buying and refuses to sell without a full face scan.

To be honest, I am tempted to use one of the edgier domain names in my CV just to see their reaction. I’m tired of faking everything’s perfect just so the crazies at LinkedIn doesn’t send my cv to trash bin.

Emails like user@cocaine.ninja is fine for random internet shitposting, but if I had to use cockmail for anything involving real life responsibilities I’d go for domains like airmail.cc or firemail.cc at registration.

Does Google allow de-linking between accounts that were linked previously, then? I’ve seen people holding into a Google account just because it’s keeping hostage other accounts they actually care about.

Duolingo lost me when they decided to do away with user discussions. Can’t believe they threw away all that.

OP: Hello. Here is something useful that searches for alternate front ends that are operational when you need to access privacy invasive services.

ITT: throws a fit because it lets someone to do something they don’t like

This is why us privacy conscious folks are labeled freaks and weirds. Not because we reject privacy invasive services, but we can’t deal with anything that isn’t absolutely perfect.

The .onion means it’s an onion service. This requires a Tor connection both for the host and the users. And frankly, hosting an onion service is not exactly easy to do it right, due to additional security considerations. Many self hosting guides assume a typical residential connection or a rented VPS without an onion service.

What about rental programs, OP? You can try one for a month and see what models suit your needs.

I see. The authorized-app-only approach was deal breaker in my case, as I needed imap/smtp. Hope it works for you well.

Sorry for the late answer. I ended up choosing Midagu for the time being. Unlimited inbox sounded attractive enough as using alias in my use case wasn’t cutting it.

Superb answer, thank you very much internet stranger!

Help me understand something, DNS records are the info (A, AAAA, TXT, etc) that’s modified to configure services like websites and mail servers to a specific domain, right?

Wait, Signal dev forced f-droid admins not to upload Molly to its official repo? How?

Looks interesting. The first glance it looks like “Yet another company trying to make Email what it isn’t”, which means breaking all compatibility with existing mechanisms (e.g. IMAP) at cost of getting locked-in into their own ecosystem (unless you pay premium and enable IMAP back like Proton does).

This is why while I want companies like Proton and Tutanota succeed, I don’t use their email products for business purposes.

Are you me? I thought ‘Vacuous Hamburger’ was that phone I was testing, not my homelab.

Not everyone is trying to run from total government surveillance. Sometimes, having an extra phone number, like having a pseudonym, is enough for them.

The acc is more likely to be flagged the more ‘generic’ your fingerprint is. Accounts made using Mullvad Browser (Torbrowser without Tor network) on VPN was insta-flagged and disabled. When I did it from the official ‘lite’ app using a burner android phone, it went fine for weeks.

Search your inbox, they (mailbox.org admin) have sent multiple emails in the past urging users to choose between the new pricing schemes.

As for the alternatives, I’m considering runbox.com and migadu.com, but not entirely sure.

Strictly speaking it’s not a price increase, the 1 EUR plan is still there. However, support for custom domains has been removed and is only available from 3 EUR plan and upwards under the new pricing scheme.

I’m kind of grandfathered into the old 1 EUR plan that still supports custom domains, but I can’t extend it any further. This means when my account credit dries up I need to choose one of the new pricing schemes ( 1 eur w/o custom domain vs 3 eur … etc.)

Opinion on the price changes? 1 eur plan doesn’t work with custom domains anymore so I’m looking for alternatives.

Source, and what is this command supposed to do? We shouldn’t blindly copypaste shell commands from online.

Their vpn client for Linux was also missing features compared to their windows counterpart.

1 euro a month? I’m guessing Posteo, Tutanota, Mailbox.org?

Damn. Does using a VM affect this process?

How does it compare to Librewolf and Mullvad Browser’s defaults?

Being a chromium skin is a business decision. I don’t like it, but at least I understand the thought process. The crypto stuff however? No thanks. That’s when I take my business elsewhere.

Best bet is to purchase a prepaid sim card and activate it with an old spare mobile phone (if you have one, that is). This is how you get a “physical” number that’s authentic enough for sms verification. This is assuming you live in a place where prepaid sims are sold freely and can be activated without hassles.

There are websites and applications offering “burner numbers” for situations like this or people living in places that place restrictions in new sim cards. Most of them tend to get their numbers from voip providers sold cheaply. They can work most of the time, but picky organizations like Google and Discord can and will probably detect voip numbers when it’s the case.

My personal experience is that Google doesn’t like it and refuse those ones, asking for an actual “physical” phone number. Discord, on the other hand, did accept voip numbers when I tried (around 2 years ago).