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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


PSA: you still don’t need an email to register. Simply register via old.reddit.

AFAIK European law isn’t often based on common law, but Napoleonic Code / civil law. Ie. precedent is less relevant.

Also, given Meta’s been fined 2.5 billion euros in the past few years, it sounds like they’re going after the big guys first.

If you want to use imessage on android:


(includes self-hosting options)

If you want to use whatsapp:

If someone else has an old (and/or prepay) sim which can receive texts, you can authenticate whatsapp that way. IRC you can also authenticate with a landline. Install whatsapp using the landline number, wait for SMS authentication to fail, then it should ask to call you. Say yes, and you’ll get a call with the authentication code. Et voila.

My nieces and nephews are all young children so i definitely want to encourage/educate them to get off corporate controlled communications channels

Good luck with that, is all I can say. Kids are very susceptible to peer pressure, especially as they enter their teen years. It’s only when they’re in their late teens that they’ll open up again and start becoming more critical.

This reminds me of that story of tesla employees sharing videos of kids being run over, naked customers, or customers fucking in private chat groups:


I look forward to the class action and GDPR lawsuits.

That’s good to hear.

That means they’re fucked when they inevitably get hit by GDPR claims in the EU.

I was worried they might have had legal prepare for inevitable lawsuits, by ensuring they did the bare minimum. Apparently not. Always fun.

No one’s twisting RyanAir’s arm to be dickheads

No one’s twisting consumers’ arms to be dickheads by buying products or services from unethical companies. People know ryanair flouts labour laws, treats passengers like shit, and that air travel is destroying the planet. Just like people know cheap fast fashion made in Myanmar or China has quite likely been (in part) made with slave/child labour.

I’m not pretending to be a saint, but why should people who don’t give a shit about others, expect the rest of us to give a shit about them? What goes around comes around.

It’s not that different to someone some rich Saudi complaining about their slave spitting in their food. I mean, sucks for you, but I’ve run out of tiny violins Marie Antionette.

A lot of people are in for a very rude awakening as the climate crisis worsens and the global order changes.

You get what you pay for.

Sorry OP, but as someone who worked in the industry, I have run out of sympathy with people who fly ryanair.

It’s not like it’s a state secret that they’re scum.

Unfortunately both big parties tend towards authoritarianism too. The ‘nanny state’ is popular with voters.