Easy: it only supports pixels. I don’t really care what excuses they have unless it’s “we don’t have enough people”. But that binary " google is most secure so nothing else matters" makes me distrust them.

They are pushing people to give google more money than google could make on their data. I find that highly questionable.

Anti Commercial-AI license

“Excuses” are all security related: https://grapheneos.org/faq#future-devices

The project’s Twitter account has already stated they want to use Samsung phones, but the hardware security isn’t accessible for custom ROMs.

We know Samsung suck, though (The Samsung Galaxy S22 was just hacked in 55 seconds — yikes. Maybe the hardware sucks too, not just the software, so who knows.

Let me write a list of requirements that only a specific phone can fulfill and call that “secure”.

GrapheneOS devs probably.


At least 5 years of updates from launch for phones (Pixels now have 7) and 7 years for tablets

Why? The image is based on AOSP. Are they going to reverse engineer the releases of other vendors and incorporate whatever fixes are in there?

Complete monthly Android Security Bulletin patches without any regular delays longer than a week

Same as above. It’s like like red hat releasing a security bulletin but a Debian based project has to be up to date with that bulletin. Makes no sense - unless you aim to build upon red hat enterprise Linux (which you won’t).

Inline disk encryption acceleration with wrapped key support

Optimisations are part of the requirement? Come on.

Support for A/B updates of both the firmware and OS images with automatic rollback if the initial boot fails one or more times

How is this not a nice to have?

Seriously, basically what they’re doing is grabbing the newest pixel and setting that as the baseline regardless of whether other phones do things better or worse.

[Anti Commercial-AI license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Google are BDS.


TheAnonymouseJoker is a clown (imo, no harassment or anything)

Talked with them on the subject of privacy emails and they recommended services that store mail unencrypted and logs your ip address and stuff

Their sources are « activists » that they like, rather than facts. I suspect their don’t like bigger companies and famous things even if they’re better

I use grapheneos and it’s pretty good. Yes the main dev can be a bit of an asshole, but for what it claims to do, grapheneos is pretty good

Sadly anything with google services, even sandboxed, is going to track you, and I believe grapheneos is pretty good at what you can do without sacrificing too much


I personally blocked him and it was one of the best decision of my digital life. He’s basically wasting his life spreading misinformation about GrapheneOS. He’s simply too much to handled for my mind. Without seeing him, i feel this place is much more relaxing and useful to see it.


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I have been a member of the graphene os matrix room for some months, hoping to someday get a pixel and switch to it. I am a software advisor and have recommended GOS to a lot of my students. I have just posted a link of this lemmy thread to the matrix room, with no special intention but to share and talk about this. It took 3 mins or so for them to delete the message and ban me. So, this totally and radically confirms for me that Graphene OS staff is not a nice one, and that they obviously fear something, being incapable of talking openly, so I wouldn’t trust them. Thanks for the heads up.

The admin of the matrix room contacted me afterwards. They feel harassed by threads like this and also feels that this thread is having positive comments towards GrapheneOS censored and only negative comments kept.

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I’d like to know too, for picking out my next phone.


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interesting. which model phone?


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Only google pixels ere supported because it are one of the only phones where you can re lock the bootloader

I was talking with Matchbox Banana Synergy in their Matrix Support Room and they said that there’s still no interest in making Graphene OS Lite for Pixel Devices which is very unfortunate since it won’t take 5 years to make but the GOS is still good to use just not easy like Lineage Or Calyx


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Wao, I woke up to his comment, and when I went to reply, saw it was deleted. If that’s not the definition of crazy (create an account to come and save the MacDay), then I don’t know what is. That’s cult behavior right there. I feel sorry for people like that.

It sounds like you already know the main reasons.

I dont hate it but id rather just use lineage os cause of broader device support. I live a degoogled life and would rather not have to explain to people I dont use and avoid google services yet own a google manufactured phone lol.

I like lineage is and have used for 5+ years. I’m now using it without google services. I mainly use it because I can’t really afford a pixel phone and the many supported devices lineage is has is phenomenal. That being said I would love to tey graphene os.

Here you go:

“Google makes the most secure phone. Including for securing your phone against Google.”

Its better then explaining you rather risk your data security then buy a phone from Google.

I really don’t mean to make this sound like FUD, but what about that blackbox security chip only used in google phones, that they promised to open source but never did? No OS can get around that…

Is there a fully open source phone?

Not one that works in the US at least, as all the carriers now require LTE and VoLTE.

I like grapheneos the product.

The staff is super abrasive and they constantly attack other privacy projects. See the recent attacks on Jonah from privacy guides, or the attacks on calyx, or the bs with rossman that forced micay out of the spotlight.

They need to hire an outside professional to manage their PR. The way they communicate is their biggest flaw.


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FYI- Its not a ROM.

EDIT: for the person down voting a fact - https://x.com/GrapheneOS/status/1588599635337445377


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Why are y’all spamming this Rossman guy suddenly? I had never heard of him before two days ago, and now I’ve seen posts about him every single day.

Seems like a bro-y tech dude. He promotes Brave and references sexual assault when talking about the behavior of software vendors with their customers. Honestly he gives me kind of a shady vibe on top of that.

So like, why is Lemmy suddenly full of his fans? What’s going on?


Litterally one of the most famous tech guy on the web and one of the most influential voice of the “repair yourself” movement, on the internet for years

He’s outspoken and the youtube algo seems to be pushing his content to everyone now. He used to be focused on Right To Repair, but has since branched out to privacy and FOSS

He’s not particularly “bro”-y, but with the direction his rhetoric is headed, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see him making guest appearances in the conspiracy corner of the grift-o-sphere

references sexual assault when talking about the behavior of software vendors with their customers

Yeah, that kinda pushed me away too. I get it, it’s an apt comparison for people who feel entitled to completely invade your privacy and do whatever they want inside your home, and it grabs the attention of the people who have just accepted no privacy as the norm… But it still makes me really uncomfortable


Yeah, that’s the bit that gave me the bro-y vibe, honestly. That and Brave. Also like, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing that I can see his muscle veins through his shirt, but that’s often a component of that particular corner of Joe Rogan-NFT-Bitcoin-Tesla.

But yeah, that makes sense. It definitely feels very sudden and artificial, which makes me wary.

Also like, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing that I can see his muscle veins through his shirt, but that’s often a component of that particular corner of Joe Rogan-NFT-Bitcoin-Tesla.

This is such a strange take. Presumably he works out, as do many other people around the world who have absolutely zero connection to “bro-y tech”. I don’t understand why you would let something so irrelevant affect your judgement of a person you clearly know nothing about. It’s almost like some kind of reverse fat-shaming.


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Yeah, although I don’t want to assume that person’s intentions or appearance. Speaking more broadly I do agree that there is this sort of counter-movement happening in the online space where people who are insecure about their own body are hitting out more and more at those who have clearly put more time and effort into maintaining conventional beauty standards. Maybe this has been driven by social media absolutely blasting society with images of beautiful people 24/7; the insecure among us assume those who are fit or work out have some kind of ulterior motive or character flaw, like we see with the narcissistic influencer culture, as a way of coping with their mounting insecurity.


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I wanted to love it but my bank’s development team is dumb and won’t run on Graphene, sending me back to the stock Pixel image.


I hate that they use discord and telegram for comms without any notice that the matrix/irc room you’re joining is bridged to those services.

Any organization that thinks its OK to feed my chats to obvious bad actors is extremely concerning. I have brought this to the attention of the maintainers and all they do is say 'but the chats are public, and anyone can index them. So what’s to stop discord from harvesting the data from the other public forums".

Well, guess what, as bad as discord is I’m pretty sure theyre not going around to obscure forums to scrape user data when they have such a plentiful source feeding them with their own consent. I do not consent to this invasion of pitvacy and am disgusted a ‘privacy’ OS can do this and no one be outraged about it.

Other than that is is a great OS and I still run it. However I’m now on the lookout for a good alternative. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be many, yet.

They tried to switch to Matrix, but it turned out to be too inefficient and buggy for such big community.

Matrix continues to be awful and weird. Discord is basically easy to use IRC – too bad no one else has figured out an easy irc

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